Character Bible Study Template and Worksheet for All Ages

A character Bible study is a transformative journey for kids, youth, and adults alike. People of all ages can find studying characters in the Bible a fun and enriching experience that will help deepen your relationship and encounter God.

Character Bible study templates and worksheets are provided for kids, youth, and adults. Kids and teens can utilize the provided worksheets, complemented by online resources. And the adults can discover step-by-step guidance, historical context, moral principles, and so much more.

Continue reading to discover a wealth of ideas that will make your Character Bible Study an unforgettable and transformative experience for all ages.

Character Bible Study for Kids

Character Bible studies are a great way to introduce the concept of Bible study to kids and have fun doing it. Children love to have fun and do something active. So, have fun when doing a character Bible study with your children or grandchildren.

Have children fill our or help them fill out the character Bible study worksheet as you explore the Bible story of the character they’ve chosen. Other than a children’s Bible there are some great online resources to help them get to know their character.

My favorite is Superbook Kids Website (or app). It has a Bible and even lists characters in the story and provides a profile for each character. This makes filling out the Bible character worksheet super easy.

After, you have your children or grandchildren fill out the worksheet, be sure to have something fun planned. It can be simple activity pages or a more intense craft or hand-on activity. Below I’ve listed some great places for discovering activities, crafts, online games and more.

Below are some characters and examples you can use to give you inspiration or a start at doing character Bible studies with your kids.

NameDateStory OverviewScripture ReferenceLife LessonsWhat their story tells us about GodFun Activity
DavidApprox. 1040-970 BCYoung shepherd who defeats Goliath and becomes king.1 Samuel 16-17Courage, Trust in God, God’s choosingGod is our strength; He can use anyone for His purposesCreate “David and Goliath” crafts with stones and paper.
EstherApprox. 483-473 BCJewish queen who saves her people from destruction.Book of EstherCourage, Standing up for what is rightGod’s providence; He uses individuals to fulfill His plans.Have a “Queen Esther” costume day and act out parts of her story.
MosesApprox. 1526-1406 BCLeads Israelites out of Egypt, receives Ten Commandments.Exodus 2-20Obedience, God’s faithfulnessGod’s guidance and provision; His desire for our obedienceBuild a mini “Ark of the Covenant” and discuss the commandments.
RuthJudges Time PeriodLoyalty to Naomi and her God leads to blessings and a place in Jesus’ lineage.Book of RuthKindness, God is our providerGod’s faithfulness in our lives; the importance of kindnessPlanting seeds together, discussing how things grow and change.
DanielApprox. 605-536 BCFaithful prophet in Babylon and survival in the lion’s den.Daniel 1-6Faithfulness, Prayer, God’s protectionGod’s power over earthly rulers; the importance of prayer.Create “Daniel and the Lion’s Den” dioramas with toy lions.

Free Character Bible Study Worksheet For Kids

Helpful Resources

Character Bible Study for Youth

Character Bible studies are a great way to get youth more engaged with the Bible. Teens and youth are looking for relevance in the Bible and how it can possibly apply to their lives.

Doing a character Bible study give them the opportunity to see how their lives and situations may be similar to people in Bible times. They can learn from the character’s positive and negative traits as well as their relationship with others and God.

The best place online to help teens and youth fill out this character Bible study worksheet is The Bible History Timeline. This is a great resource that has a timeline of the entire Bible. There is a search bar at the top that makes searching for a specific Bible character super easy.

Free Character Bible Study Worksheet for Youth

Helpful Resources

Character Bible Study for Adults

Character Bible studies are also great for adults. There is so much that you can learn by looking at a specific person in the Bible. They are also a great way to learn to study the Bible for the first time without feeling overwhelmed.

If you are interested in learning step by step how to do a character study, then check out this article. It will not only walk you through how to do it, but also give you examples of people to choose from, and resources you can use to make doing a character Bible study easier.

Below is a list of some of the reasons why doing a character Bible study is so helpful.

Understanding Historical ContextExamining the historical context of Paul’s letters to the early Christian communities.
Learning Moral PrinciplesStudying the life of Joseph and learning about forgiveness and integrity in the face of betrayal.
Building Virtue Examining the virtue of patience through the life of Job amidst trials and suffering.
Gaining Insights into Human NatureExploring the impulsive nature of Peter and witnessing his transformation into a foundational leader, or studying the doubts and faith of Thomas to understand the nuanced aspects of human belief and trust.
Unveiling God’s PlanExamining the life of Esther and recognizing how her position was part of God’s plan to save her people, or studying the journeys of Abraham and Sarah to see how God’s promises unfolded in unexpected ways.
Strengthening FaithStudying the experiences of Paul and his unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel even in the face of challenges, to deepen personal faith.

For a closer look at why character Bible studies matter, take a look at this article. It will not only explain why they matter, but also what we can learn from doing character Bible studies. Hint: It’s all focused and centered on the gospel.

Free Character Bible Study Worksheet For Adults

Helpful Resources

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