Why You Are Having Problems With Inductive and How To Fix It

When I first learned how to do Inductive Bible study it was exciting. I did for my classes in Bible college, but honestly, haven’t done it that much since. Why? Because it is a lot.
As a general rule, people have problems with the Inductive Bible study method because it is academic in nature. The Inductive Bible study method is time consuming and confusing for many. It’s heavy use of BIble study resources also makes it rather intimidating.
Despite these challenges, the inductive Bible study method is a valuable way of experiencing the Bible. So, let’s take a look at how we can fix these problems.
Are you curious about whether or not the Inductive Bible study method is even biblical? Then you should check out this article that discusses just that and gives some guiding principles on how to know whether any bible study method is biblical.
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Problem #1: Time Consuming
One of the biggest issues of the inductive Bible study method is that it is time consuming. It can take one and a half plus hours to sit down and complete a thorough inductive Bible study on a verse from start to finish.
We all have busy schedules and finding 1.5+ hours every day to sit down and study God’s Word is beyond challenging. This is especially true if you have kids or a family.

One of the easiest solutions for this problem will be to break up your Inductive Bible study into chunks. No one says you have to do it all in one sitting. Make observations one day, and then interpret the passage the next day. This way it can take less time.
Another solution for this would be to use study guides or worksheets. I have a simple worksheet that you can use to make your Inductive Bible study time easier. These worksheets will provide you with the questions you need to answer when looking at the historical, cultural, and literary context.
Problem #2: Complicated and Overwhelming
Another common problem with the inductive Bible study method is that it comes across as complicated and overwhelming. This is particularly true if you are a new believer, new to studying the Bible or struggle with an academic approach to Scripture.
The Bible is not always a simple book to read. It can be quite complex, and if you are not familiar with the inductive Bible study method, then its easy to get frustrated and want to give up.
When I first started doing inductive Bible study I was taking a class on it in college. I had a professor walk me through it step-by-step and it was still overwhelming at times. I don’t say that to discourage you from this method, though, because you can get a lot out of it.

So, how do you go about fixing this problem? Honestly, if you don’t have a good study Bible then get one. A study Bible like the NIV Study Bible or the ESV Study Bible will help you greatly. A study Bible will provide you with a lot of the historical and cultural context right there on the pages of your Bible.
Another way to fix this problem is to start simple and ask for help. Take one step of the Inductive Bible study method and practice it until you get the hang of it. If you want, you can also see if a Christian friend or mentor will want to study the Bible with you.
Problem #3: Skipping Interpretation and Application
A third problem with the inductive Bible study method is the possibility of skipping the interpretation and application steps. While the inductive Bible study method includes these steps it does not emphasize these steps.
Because the Inductive Bible study method is so observation focused one of two things could happen after you finish your observations: One, you are tired and as such don’t spend as much time on the interpretation and application steps.
Or two, you think because you have gained all these insights and learned so much (you are mentally exhausted) that you are done.
One of the ways to fix this would be to break your inductive Bible study habit into two. Spend one day just making observations, then set it aside and come back to it, either later that day or the next day. This way you can be just as intentional about interpreting and applying what you’ve learned.

Perhaps, the best way of solving this problem is to take the time to include prayer and reflection throughout your inductive Bible study routine. Don’t forget that we do have access to the author of the Bible. We can talk to Him and hear from Him. So, take the time to pray.
Speaking of interpreting the Bible, there are lots of ways that we commonly misinterpret the Bible. This article will tell you exactly what to look for and how to avoid common pitfalls when interpreting the Bible.
Problem #4: Reliance on Bible Study Resources
The last problem with the inductive Bible study method we are going to look at is that it can create a reliance on Bible study resources. Now, Bible study resources are valuable tools that aid in our understanding and study of Scripture.
In fact, if you are considering getting some Bible study tools to aid in your study then you may want to consider some of the Bible study tools that I recommend. These tools include books, websites, and apps that will help make your Bible study easier.
That said, these tools can become a crutch. I, often times, have found myself spending more time reading study notes, commentaries, or other tools more than I read my Bible when I’m wanting to spend time with God. That can be a major problem.
Here’s how to fix it. First, integrate Bible study resources into your inductive Bible study gradually. Start with a study Bible, then move to a Bible handbook or dictionary. Only move on to new resources once you are comfortable using the ones you have.
Another solution would be to seek balance and only use Bible study tools as supplements to your study not as a replacement. We ought to come to our own conclusions about what a passage means before we see what others have to say.
The inductive Bible study method, like any other Bible study method, can have its problems. If you are struggling with the Inductive Bible study method, then you may want to read this article that will tell you about two other methods and help you find the perfect Bible study method for you.