Warren Wiersbe Study Bible Review: An Honest Look

If you seek to experience the Bible in a deeper way, then a good study Bible might be the resource you are looking for. The NKJV Warren Wiersbe study Bible can be a great addition to your personal Bible study habit. But let’s take a closer look and see if it’s right for you.

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-From Respected Bible Teacher
-Page Quality
-Catalyst Notes
-Lack of Detailed Explanation in Study Notes
-Lack of Additional Resources

Key Takeaways: The Warren Wiersbe Study Bible is full of commentary from the widely popular teacher and scholar Warren Wiersbe. As a result, it is accessible and practical. However, it’s lack of depth and additional resources may bother some. That said, it might not be worth the investment to you.

Who Should Buy It: Fans of Warren Wiersbe’s teaching would appreciate this study Bible. It is suitable and beneficial for Bible teachers and students alike.

Features Overview

The NKJV Study Bible has the features you would typically expect to find in a study Bible. These include:

  • Book Outlines
  • Book Overviews
  • Catalyst Notes
  • 10,000+ Study Notes
  • Cross References
  • Concordance
  • Index of Preaching Outlines
  • Maps

The unique features of this Bible that really makes it stand out is the Catalyst Notes and the Index of Preaching Outlines.

The Wiersbe Study Bible states that the catalyst notes are the, “heartbeat of the Wiersbe Study Bible.” They provide lengthier comments to important themes and character issues. They are designed to motivate spiritual growth and prepare hearts and minds for Bible study.

Overall, I found them enlightening, practical, faith focused. After reading many of them, I find myself reflecting on my faith and spiritual well-being. They would make a great aid to a devotional time.

Most of these catalyst notes are a third of a page in length or less. As such, they could be classified as “articles.” However, since they are explicitly called notes and refer back to a specific verse, I decided to include them here.

Another feature that makes this study Bible unique is the Index of preaching outlines. These preaching outlines are adapted from Warren Wiersbe’s “Be” series commentary on the Bible. They provide an excellent resource for teachers. And can even be used to help you walk through a book on your own.

Overall, these two features (the Catalyst cotes and the preaching outlines) are what makes this Study Bible a success. So, if those are not something you are interested in, then it might not be worth the investment for you.

Product Details

The following chart provides the product details for the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible, Hardcover from the Publisher’s website. The third column is the same details for the specific Bible I own.

From WebsitePersonal Bible
Translation:New King James Version (NKJV)NKJV
Format: HardcoverHardcover
Weight:3.6 lbs3.6 lbs.
Font Size:9.5 pt.8.5 pt.
Size:6.7 x 9.56.3 x 9.5

As you can tell, the publisher provides accurate information regarding the product details. The difference in physical size and font size is probably due to printing issues.

So, let’s look at some other key features and issues that will help you determine if the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible is worth the investment.

Study Notes

Overall, the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible has an abundance of study notes reaching over 10,000. These notes are from Dr. Warren Wiersbe.

Dr. Warren Wiersbe was a well known Christian pastor, author, and theologian known for his profound insights into the Bible and his ability to make complex theological concepts accessible to a broad audience.

He authored numerous books and commentaries, most popularly his “Be” commentary series. His work continues to be used and continually inspires people seeking a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.

These study notes reflect the man. They are full of insightful, encouraging, faith-focused comments that help build and support our faith and spiritual well being. For example, regarding our inheritance in Christ in Ephesian, Wiersbe notes,

“In Christ we have a wonderful inheritance…and in Christ we are an inheritance. We are valuable to Him. Think of the price God paid to purchase us and make us part of His inheritance! God the Son is the Father’s love gift to us; and we are the Father’s love gift to His Son.”

NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible

While the study notes are devotional and interesting, they are not in-depth. This is due to the nature of the Study Bible and Wiersbe’s work. Therefore, there is a lack of detail regarding the historical and cultural context of the passages. But if that is not what you are looking for, then this may be a great Study Bible.

Font and Page Quality

The advertised font size for the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible, Hardcover is 9.5 pt. However, when measured font size in the copy I own is 8.5 pt.

Biblical Text9.5 pt. 8.5 pt.
Study NotesNot mentioned5.7 pt.

Even though the actual font size differs than what is published on the publisher’s website, it is still an excellent size. I have no trouble reading the biblical text or study notes. Overall, this study Bible has one of the better sized fonts (including in the study notes) that I’ve seen.

Page Quality

Another area in which this Bible is superior to those like it is in regards to page quality. These feel slightly thicker than your average Study Bible pages, and the bleed through of the words from the other side is minimal.

Overall, I am not afraid to turn the pages and find the printing in general to be of the highest quality.


The NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible does not contain any articles. However, there is a brief forward titled, “What Your Bible Will Do For You If You Let It” that is quite good.

Book Introductions

The NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible offers unique book introductions that focus on timeless and practical lessons. As such, there is little to no historical or cultural context provided in these introductions.

Each introduction is divided into three sections: an outline, an overview, and a “be transformed” section.

The outlines are simple and appear to be taken from the preaching index. As such, they can be overly broad and not helpful at times. For example, the outline for 2 Kings is three points,

  • The Ministry of Elisha (1:1-13:25)
  • The Fall of Samaria (14:1-17:41)
  • The Captivity of Jerusalem (18:1-25:30)

That said, they do include key themes and key verses.

The overview section of the introduction provides a conversational background context of what is going on in the book. It’s in this section that you will find the most historical context. Still, the emphasis is placed on the relationship with God through faith. This brings us to the last section of the introductions.

The “be transformed” section of the book introductions, provides insight into the overall life changing impact that the book has on believers. I found them to be more in depth commentary on key themes and issues and how they relate to life today.

Overall, the book introductions are more practical, faith, and application focused than they are about providing in depth historical, cultural, and literary analysis.

Handling and Portability

One of the most important factors to consider when getting a study Bible handling and portability. Is this a Bible that you can carry everywhere? Does it stand up to general wear and tear.

To simulate natural wear and tear I held my thumb on one spot on the page for 5 minutes. Just like people are going to when they read their Bibles. So, it’s important to see how the pages stand up to average use.

After doing this I discovered that the page quality upheld. There was no imprint or even wrinkling to suggest that my thumb was even there. This is a strong testament to the quality and durability of the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible.


Even though the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible is comparable in size to other study Bibles, it is extremely thick. I mean its 2 and a quarter inches thick. So, even though it is durable I would not want to carry it around church all morning.

That said, I would take it on occasions if the study notes would prove useful. Like to attend a Bible study or teach a class.

Overall, the NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible can be a great devotional study Bible, but its not ideal for everyone. So, be sure and check out this article where I compare the NKJV Study Bible to other study Bibles and see how it holds up.

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