The Aim of Inductive Bible Study and 9 Amazing Results

A Man Writing on a Notebook while Reading a Bible

The very first time I did inductive Bible study, it was life changing. Inductive Bible study has helped me experience the Bible in a way that it comes alive in my life. I’ve developed a deeper love for God, His Word, and His work in my life. Inductive Bible study can do the same for you.

The aim of inductive Bible study is to help someone experience the Bible in a way that leads to a life-transforming encounter with God. It accomplishes this by discovering the original meaning of a passage. As a result, inductive Bible study leads to a deeper faith in and love of God and His Word.

By letting Scripture speak for itself and allowing the Holy Spirit to use Scripture you will reap many amazing benefits.

What is Inductive Bible Study?

Inductive Bible study is a method of reading and studying the Bible by closely examining the text itself. Typically, it involves making observations, asking questions, and drawing conclusions directly from the passage, rather than relying on other sources for interpretation.

That said, other sources can and should play a part in an inductive study of the Bible. These help you discover the historical, cultural, and literary context of the passage being studied. Overall though, the goal is to let Scripture interpret itself, which can lead to a deeper more personal understanding of the BIble.

Inductive Bible Study involves answering three main questions:

  • What does this passage say?
  • What does this passage mean?
  • How do I apply this passage to my life?

Answering these questions helps you discover the original meaning of a passage in the Bible and apply it to your everyday life. If you are interested in learning more about the Inductive Bible study method, then you should check out this step-by-step walkthrough that will show you everything you need to know.

Benefits of Inductive Bible Study

Inductive Bible study opens up a whole new world to you. It like hearing stories of the most beautiful island paradise, then when you finally get there all the stories pale in comparison to the reality. That’s what inductive Bible study does with the Bible.

The benefits you will see and experience when doing an inductive Bible study will be beyond anything you could hope for. So, let’s check out some of these amazing benefits now.

1. Deepen Understanding of Scripture

First, Inductive Bible study will deepen your understanding of Scripture. By getting into the Bible for yourself, experiencing it on your own, you will naturally develop a deeper understanding of God’s word.

And when you explore the historical, cultural, and literary contexts behind passages your biblical literacy increases. Right now, according to a recent study in 2023, only 39% of Americans use their Bible outside of Church three or more time a year.

There is a great need to read the Bible and understand the big picture story of the Bible. Inductive Bible study helps us get there. Because we are getting into the Bible for ourselves, we are then able to turn around and tell the story of the Bible in our own words.

2. Keep the Bible Relevant to Our Lives

Second, inductive Bible study helps keep the Bible relevant to our lives. The Bible is an old book. That’s an understatement, but the point is many people do not view the Bible as relevant for what they are going through in life.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The Bible is practical and relevant today, with the problems we face and the situations we go through.

A case study was conducted that looked at the benefits of inductive Bible study among the Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students. The study shows that an amazing 87% affirm that their actions are inspired by studying God’s Word.

This is a clear indication that those who study God’s word find it relevant to their life. The author of Hebrews writes that the Bible is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12). Because it is living and active it can speak to the issues of our day.

3. Help us Encounter God

Third, Inductive Bible study can help us encounter God. Remember, the goal of inductive Bible study is to lead to a life transforming encounter with God. So, how does inductive Bible study help us encounter God?

Well, the more time we spend in God’s word, the more we are able to discover His nature and character. As such, we grow in faith and love toward Him.

That same case study mentioned earlier shows that 81% of respondents found that inductive Bible study increased their faith in God.

And the State of the Bible survey found that 47% of Bible users motivation for reading the Bible is due to the fact that it brings them closer to God.

Inductive Bible seeks to find a universal meaning of the text that can apply both to the original audience and people today. As such, this meaning is often connected to God’s character and nature. I know in my own experience that inductive Bible study has led to more frequent meditation on God’s character.

4. Provide the Ability to Make Wise Choices

Fourth, Inductive Bible study helps provide the ability to make wise choices. The State of the Bible study found that 20% of Bible users motivation for reading the Bible was to seek wisdom for making decisions.

Paul writes to Timothy,

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

This verse is just one of many that illustrates the ability of the Bible to be a source for guidance and wisdom.

It’s so easy in this day and age to turn to Google for guidance or wisdom. With a quick search we can find answers to some important questions we have when making a decision. But how often do we consult the Bible?

While the Bible may not provide an explicit answer to some of our questions, it can help us develop the decision making skill of choosing what is right. The case study of the Nigerian students showed that 73% of respondents said Inductive Bible study helped their decision making skills.

So, inductive Bible study can help provide the right framework for making decisions in our life.

5. Shape the Way We Pray

Fifth, inductive Bible study shapes the way we pray. It encourages a prayerful reflection on the Bible, God’s nature, and our relationship with Him that deepens our intimacy with God.

I know in my own life, my personal prayers have been enriched by inductive Bible study. Since in inductive Bible study you draw out the meaning of the passage for yourself, you are more likely to remember it. As such, it more readily comes to mind when you need it.

The first inductive Bible study I ever did was on a verse in Isaiah 55 where Isaiah is talking about how God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:11). I determined the meaning was: God is transcendent and thus able to save us.

Now, when there are times in my life…unanswered prayer, feeling stuck, etc. I am able to remember God’s transcendence and promises in Isaiah 55 and turn to Him in prayer.

Through inductive Bible study the meaning of passages is easier to remember. So, when we need them, the Holy Spirit can bring them back to mind.

6. Foster a Desire to Experience the Bible

Sixth, Inductive Bible Study fosters a stronger desire to experience the Bible. It instills a love for lifelong learning and exploration of the Bible. This leads to a natural increase in spiritual growth and devotion.

The case study shows that 75% of respondents expressed a greater curiosity for the Bible and the stories within it due to the inductive Bible study method.

I’ve seen this develop in my own life. Growing up it was always hard for me to have a consistent quiet time. Reading the Bible, simply wasn’t fun. It felt like a chore to check off a list. As a result, I hardly opened my Bible outside of church.

It wasn’t until I learned how to study the Bible that reading the Bible became fun. The more questions I answered, the more I had. Now, I find myself looking forward to reading or even studying the Bible.

a man in a black coat, black pants and shoes stands on a rock and looks downward

7. Provide a Solid Foundation to Build Our Life Upon

Seventh, Inductive Bible study provides a solid foundation to build our life upon. I firmly believe that the a Bible based lifestyle is able to address the biggest problems we face this century. The foundation of building that Bible based lifestyle lies in an inductive study of God’s word.

In Jesus’ sermon on the mount he tells this story compare people who listen to and follow His word (the Bible) and those who don’t.

He says the ones who listens to His words and does them is like a wise man who build his house on rock. Severe thunderstorms come. The rivers begin to flood. The winds howl. This category 5 hurricane is happening all around. Yet, the house does not fall down.

Why? Because it was built on a solid foundation. So, too, is the life that is built on the Word of God.

However, those who don’t listen to His word or does them is like a foolish man. A stupid man who built his house on the sandy beach. The category 5 hurricane comes and the house collapses, swept off to sea with nothing left.

So, we have a choice to make. Are we going to choose to build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and his word, or not? Inductive Bible study helps us build our life upon the solid foundation of the Bible.

8. Inspire Worship and Praise

Inductive Bible study also inspires worship and praise. It does so because it often results in a greater sense of awe and reverence for God and His character.

The inductive Bible study method guides you through a process of exploration and discovery that leads to experiencing moments of wonder and adoration. The more you study the Bible inductively, the more you will come face to face with the glory and majesty of God.

As a result, you’ll naturally respond in worship and praise. The more you experience God’s faithfulness, majesty, and glory through the Bible, the more you are inspired to praise and worship God. Inductive Bible study can inspire you to adore God simply for who He is.

I remember the first time I did an inductive Bible study. The first time I discovered the meaning of the text on my own, I literally jumped up and down in excitement. That, in a way, is an act of praise and worship. After jumping up and down, I immediately found myself praying praise in awe of God.

Inductive Bible study will inspire worship and praise in your life.

9. Transform Us to Live More Like Christ

Ultimately, the greatest benefit of inductive Bible study is that it achieves its goal. Inductive Bible study will result in a transformed life that looks more like Jesus.

Jesus prays that we are sanctified by truth. He goes on to say that God’s Word is truth (John 17:17). To sanctify something means to set it apart as special. Typically, this is done by keeping it clean and pure. So, Jesus is asking the Father to make us holy, special, and pure through God’s Word, the Bible.

It is through constant interaction and experience with the Bible that we become more like Christ. It is the Bible the Holy Spirit uses to speak into our lives, to teach us, and ultimately transform us into the image of Christ and equipping us to live Biblically.

Practical Tips for Inductive Bible Study

Inductive Bible study is a great way to study the Bible. You can go very in-depth with the history, culture, and literary background until you discover the meaning of the text for yourself. The SOAP Bible study method is an inductive study of the Bible that is simple for everyone.

Regardless of what Bible study method you use, here are some great tips to make inductive Bible study a little easier.

  1. Choose a Passage: Select a specific Bible passage or book to study. Start with shorter passages if you’re new to inductive study.
  2. Read Repeatedly: Begin by reading the chosen passage multiple times. Consider using different translations to see how they differ and what’s the same. This can help you choose a verse to study.
  3. Note Key Words: Identify and underline key words or phrases that stand out to you during your readings. These are often repeated throughout the passage and carry significant meaning.
  4. Ask the 5 W’s and H: Ask basic questions about the passage: Who is involved? What is happening? When and where is it taking place? Why is it happening? How does it occur?
  5. Context is King: Examine the broader context of the passage, including the verses before and after, to understand its significance within the bigger story.
  6. Character Study: If there are characters in the passage, create character profiles. Note their traits, actions, and relationships to better understand their roles. Don’t be afraid to have fun with it!
  7. Highlight Patterns: Look for patterns, repetitions, or lists within the text. These can reveal important themes or messages.
  8. Keep a Journal: Maintain a journal for your inductive study. Record observations, questions, insights, and personal reflections.
  9. Pray for Insight: Begin and end your study sessions with prayer. Ask for wisdom and guidance to understand the passage’s meaning and application.
  10. Discuss and Share: Engage in discussions with others who are also studying the Bible inductively. Sharing insights and perspectives can deepen your understanding.
  11. Use Study Tools Sparingly: While it’s okay and beneficial to use Bible study tools like commentaries or Bible dictionaries, only do so after you do the work yourself. Prioritize your own observations and interpretations.
  12. Apply What You Learn: Identify practical applications of the passage in your daily life. How can you live out the lessons and principles you’ve discovered?
  13. Be Patient: Inductive Bible study is a gradual process. Don’t rush through it. Allow time for deeper insights to emerge. It’s okay to break it up into multiple days.

The Inductive Bible study method will help you experience the Bible in a way that you encounter God and lead to living a Bible based lifestyle as you grow in faith and love and become more like Jesus today than yesterday. So, don’t be afraid to give it a shot.

You can check out how to do an in-depth inductive Bible study with this walkthrough. At the end is a great free gift with a summary, worksheets and more just for you. You can also check out a walk through of the SOAP Bible study method, and inductive style Bible study that anyone can do.

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