SOAP vs. Devotional: Important and Vital Differences

Honestly, it’s hard for me to find a devotional that I really like (though there are a few). They just don’t go deep enough for me, oftentimes. Perhaps, you’ve found that to be the case as well. That’s why I enjoy doing the SOAP Bible study method. After all, there are some key differences between the two.

The SOAP Bible Study and a devotional are not the same thing. They differ in purpose, depth, and time commitment. The SOAP Bible study is a method of studying Scripture. But a devotional emphasizes reflecting on Scripture. Despite these differences, both are useful for Christian life.

The best one to go with will depend on what you are looking for. So, let’s dive in and see the differences between the SOAP Bible Study and a devotional.

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Defining SOAP Bible Study and Devotional


The SOAP Bible study is a method of studying the Bible that seeks to help a user analyze Scripture in a methodical way and draw conclusions from the Bible that can be applied to their daily life. SOAP stands for,


The SOAP Bible study method encourages spiritual growth, making sure you not only learn the Bible but live it as well.

Curious about how easy this Bible study is? Then check out this article on this Amazingly Simple SOAP Bible Study. It will walk you through it step-by-step with an example so you know exactly what to do.

Honestly, it is an excellent Bible study method for everyone, including beginners and children.

Speaking of children, if you want to know how you can adapt the Bible study method for children, then check out this article that shows you how to use SOAP in a kid friendly way, with some kid-friendly tools.


A devotional is a short daily reading or reflection written by an author or religious leader. These will typically include a verse and simple commentary or reflection on that verse. Some, devotionals will include a simple prayer or other passages of Scripture for further reading.

Interestingly, both the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and, define “devotional (n)” as,

“A short worship service.”

This is a fascinating discovery. It means that perhaps, we should view reading a devotional as a more sacred time than a thing to check off during the day. It might should include more than reading a verse a reflection. But, we’ll save that for another time.

For now, let’s continue to look at the differences between the SOAP Bible study and a devotional.

Passive vs. Active

One of the main differences between the SOAP Bible study and a devotional is how active the person is when utilizing them.

The SOAP Bible study method requires an active reading and analyzing of the text. Readers of the Bible are to pay careful attention to detail and observe things like key words, figures of speech, historical context, etc.

On top of that if you use the SOAP Bible Study Method you will need to actively interpret and apply a passage of Scripture to your life.

This can make SOAP Bible Study more beneficial than just a regular devotional. As you are applying Scripture to specific circumstances and situations in your life. Overall, the SOAP Bible study method is an active way of engaging with Scripture.

A devotional on the other hand is a more passive way of engaging with Scripture. All the analyzing and interpreting is done for you. All the reader of a devotional would need to do is read it and reflect on how it applies in their moment.

This can be beneficial for new believers and seasoned Christians alike. As devotionals can offer perspectives or insights you would not have discovered or thought about on your own.

Different Purpose

Devotionals and the SOAP Bible study have very different purposes. The purpose of SOAP Bible study is to gain a deeper understanding of God’s word and apply it to your life. A devotional on the other hand is to provide spiritual comfort, encouragement, and insights.

As such, the primary focus of these two methods of experiencing the Bible differ. Because the purpose of the SOAP Bible Study is to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and apply it to life, a SOAP Bible study will typically focus on a particular passage or verse in great detail.

A devotional, on the other hand, will offer a broader reflection by using a particular verse as an anchor for discussing a general theme or topic.

Depth of Study

The depth of study also differs greatly between the SOAP Bible study and a devotional. Because SOAP Bible study is a more active engagement with Scripture, it will usually mean a deeper study of the Bible. A devotional, however, is the opposite.

A devotional is short and concise, typically a few paragraphs to a page at most. This because devotionals are designed to be daily readings for spiritual encouragement. Because of their design and limited space devotionals are not always able to go deep in Scripture.

This is one of the main reasons I have a hard time finding a devotional that I like. Though there are a few, like My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers and New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp, that I have found be insightful enough to encourage and challenge me in my Christian walk.

That said, the SOAP Bible study offers a deeper look at Scripture simply due to its purpose of actively experiencing the Bible in a way that will lead to a life-transforming encounter with God. The SOAP Bible Study method requires effort to observe and analyze a specific passage of the Bible.

Because the SOAP Bible study method is more in-depth, you will often find that you are able to get more out of it. There could be multiple insights come from a particular passage. Or multiple applications of a verse to your life.

Time Commitment

The SOAP Bible Study and a devotional also differ in the time commitment involved. Because of their differing purposes and depth, one will naturally take longer than the other.

The SOAP Bible study method is a more serious time commitment than a devotional. How long a SOAP Bible study will take you will vary depending on the length of the passage you choose and how deep you want to research and reflect.

I have found that a SOAP Bible study will take an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour.

A devotional on the other hand can take as little as a couple of minutes to read. If you want to take time reflecting and praying after reading a devotional, then it can take 10-15 minutes total.

A Use For Both

As you can see there are major differences between the SOAP Bible study method and a devotional. That’s because they serve a different purpose. What that means for us is that there is a use for both in our Bible Study habit.

Maybe, we want to spend some time looking a particular verse that stands out to us. Perhaps, a life verse or verse of the year. Then we may want to do a SOAP Bible study on that verse. It is also a good idea to study the Bible on your own consistently.

You can do the SOAP Bible study method to study the Bible individually, if you like. If you are new to studying the Bible on your own, then you should check out these practical tips for individual Bible Study.

But perhaps, you wake up late one morning or you are just having a rough day and don’t want to spend 30 minutes studying the Bible. I get it. That’s were devotionals are a great resource to spend time in God’s word.

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