SOAP Bible Study for Kids, With Kid-Friendly Bible Tools

As the children’s director at my church I am always looking for ways to get kids to engage with the Bible. The SOAP Bible study method is a great way to introduce children to studying God’s word.

Doing a SOAP Bible study with kids is the same as it is for adults. Be creative reaching them where they are and make it a fun time. This can be done using kid-friendly tools and activities. Whether it’s together as a family or individual quiet times, kids can learn to study the Bible using SOAP.

Jesus said in Matthew, “‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise. †There is a lot we can gain from teaching our children how to study the Bible. Who knows, they may even teach us a thing or two.

Guess what? SOAP isn’t just for kids. If you are an adult and want to learn how to do SOAP yourself, then I written the perfect article. Amazing SOAP Bible Study is simple will, and this article will show you exactly how to do it with an example.

And if you are not sure about the SOAP Bible study method, then feel free to check out these great alternatives to SOAP Bible study.

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Adapting SOAP for Kids

If you are unfamiliar with the SOAP Bible Study Method SOAP stands for,

  • Scripture
  • Observation
  • Application
  • Prayer

It is a great Bible study method for all ages, especially kids. It is so easy to adapt to a variety of age ranges from preschool to teenagers. Let’s look at how to adapt SOAP for various age ranges:

Younger Kids (Preschool)Middle Kids (Early Elementary)Older Kids (Older Elementary/Middle School)
ScriptureRead a passage of Scripture from a storybook Bible. Use an Easy to Read Translation (NLT, NIRV, ICB), have them read if they are able.Use a widely used, but still easy to understand translation such as the NIV.
ObservationHave them draw their observations. Or use playdough to create something from the story.Have them draw or write their observationsHave them write down their observations, unfamiliar words, etc.
ApplicationAsk simple questions like, “What can we learn about God? What does God think about___?” Ask a little deeper questions like, “What does God promise us?” “How can we be more [fill in the blank] at home, school, etc..?”Ask, “How can we apply this to our lives?”
PrayerAsk what is one thing they love about God, are sorry for, or want to thank God for and include it in your prayer. Or have them pray.Encourage them to pray. Encourage them to pray.

Adapting the SOAP Bible study method to your kids will depend on their age, maturity, and more. You know your children best. So, pray and seek God’s guidance as you begin helping them learn the SOAP Bible study method.

Doing SOAP During Family Time

Because SOAP is so versatile it is perfect for a family devotional time or family Bible study time. This is especially true if you have kids with big age differences.

Beginning a time of family bible study is hard. It’s hard to find time to wrangle everyone together and sit down and spend time in God’s Word. Then to keep kids engaged and actually learn…that’s asking for a lot, sometimes (honestly, most of the time).

Thankfully, the SOAP Bible study method will make a family bible study time a bit easier. Because SOAP is so adaptable you can adapt it to keep all your kids engaged regardless of their age. Plus, because it is only 4 simple steps, it will only take 20-30 minutes, which is more than enough for most kids attention spans.

If you are wanting to start a time of family bible study in your home, but don’t know where to begin. I reccomend Family Worship: In the Bible, In History, and In Your Home by Donald S. Whitney. It not only shows the importance of worship in the spiritual life of a family but also provides practical advice.

Doing SOAP Individually For Kids

Not only is it good to get kids engaged with Scripture together as a family, but also individually. Once again, SOAP is helpful.

For preschool age kids it can be hard to have them go through the 4 steps of SOAP on their own. I wouldn’t recommend it. Rather, have them look at pictures in a storybook Bible, and later ask them questions about those pictures. The key here would be to get them familiar with Bible stories.

For early elementary readers let them start reading a storybook bible on their own if they are able. Then after that time ask them about what they read helping them to grasp the 5 W’s of who, what, when, where, why of the story.

For older elementary children, invest in a good children’s bible. Have them read in their Bible and attempt the 4 steps of SOAP on their own. A good children’s Bible will help them make observations and provide interesting facts to keep kids engaged in Scripture.

Kid-Friendly Bible Study Tools

Getting kids excited about Scripture and studying the Bible can seem like a daunting task, but the SOAP Bible study method makes it possible. Here are some other great kid-friendly resources to help shape your child’s spiritual life. They can even use these when doing SOAP:

These tools along with the SOAP Bible study method are a great place to start getting your child excited about Bible study and help their spiritual growth.

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