God’s Plan

God created humanity to be in a relationship with Him because He loves you. He also has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life that He wants to share with you. God wants to spend time with you, help you, and encourage you.

Our Problem

Just like you have standards for your friendships, God has standards, too. But the problem is we can’t meet them. You see, God’s standard is obedient perfection. And no matter how hard we try or how much we learn, we can’t get there. Our mistakes pile up.

God’s Solution

God loves us so much He showed us great kindness by finding a solution to our problem. He sent His Son, Jesus. He piled up all our mistakes on Jesus and put them to death. After that God raised Jesus from the dead, so that He can offer His obedient and perfect life to us.

Our Response

All we have to do to receive this offer is admit we can’t reach God’s standard on our own, ask for forgiveness and turn away from our mistakes. Believe that Jesus died for you, and receive Him into your life. That is the gospel.

A Prayer

Dear God, I know that You love me and want to spend forever with me. But I’ve made mistakes and been disobedient. Please forgive me. I believe You sent Jesus to die for me and raised Him from the dead so that I can live. Now, I receive Jesus into my life so that He may help, guide, and save me. Thank You for the great kindness You have shown. Amen.
