Welcome to the Bible Study Bookshelf. Here you will find a growing list of Bible study resources, tools, books, apps, and websites that I have found helpful for studying the Bible all in one convenient place. Feel free to explore, look around, and maybe pick something up.
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ESV Study Bible
Study Bibles are a great resource to first get when you are wanting to do personal bible study for the first time. They are full of notes, maps, outlines, and just everything you need to get started on the right track. The ESV Study Bible is one of the best on the market today.
Bible Study Tools
The Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance
A Concordance is an alphabetical listing of words in the Bible and where they are found. This comes in handy when you are wanting to see what other verses mention a particular word. It also helps in seeing the range of meaning for a word.
Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook
A Bible handbook takes each book of the Bible and discusess the author, audience, outline, themes, etc. They are similar to Book Introductions you will find in a study bible, but give more detail and go more in-depth.
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
A bible dictionary is like an encyclopedia of people, places, customs, doctrines, themes, etc. associated with the Bible. It is one of the first places I turn to when looking for more information.
Nave’s NIV Topical Bible
A topical bible lists words in alphabetical order and verses where that word is found. They are extremely helpful when you are wanting to do a study on a particular topic. For example, the Holy Spirit. The Bible discuss the Holy Spirit in a lot of different places. A topical Bible will organize it so you know where to look to learn more about the Holy Spirit.
Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary OF Old And New Testament Words
An expository dictionary will give you the Hebrew or Greek meaning behind a particular word and explain how it influenced the Biblical authors. This is a great tool if you want to do a word study and learn how Greek or Hebrew words affect the Bible without having to learn a new language.
Holman Bible Atlas
A Bible atlas is a book of maps of the biblical world. Often they will go in-depth on the geography, climate and agriculture. Some even cover people groups, customs, empires, road systems, and daily life in bible times.
When I look for a devotional I want it to be two things. One, encouraging. Devotionals are often read in the morning or evening. So, it is helpful to start and/or end your day with encouragement. Two, I want my devotionals to be challenging. By that I want them to challenge me to grow in my relationship with God that day. Here are some of the best devotionals that have met those requirements for me.
My Utmost For His Highest
This is one of the first devotionals I found that met those two requirements for me. They are very short, often a couple of paragraphs from Oswald Chambers. Every time I read them I feel both convicted and encouraged.
New Morning Mercies
This devotional by Paul David Tripp is amazing. It daily encourages you and challenges you to live in light of the gospel and it’s impact on your life. I always walk away encouraged and strengthened in my faith.
Live in Grace, Walk in Love
Bob Goff is known to be loving and gracious and that character shows up in his devotional book as well. What I like most about this devotional is that it always ends with a question. This way I can think about that question throughout my day.
It can be hard to find good quality apps that will help you study God’s word faithfully and help you live for God. So, I’ve compiled this list of apps that I have found helpful in my study and Christian walk. Also, I don’t like to spend money… so they are all free.
Bible Project App (IOS & Android)
The team at Bible project has recently released an app where you can find all their videos, podcasts, and much more. The best part about it right now is the journey through the Torah series where you will read through the Torah while listening to their podcasts and watching their videos. This app makes learning about the bible fun.
YouVersion (IOS & Android)
I’m sure you’ve heard of YouVersion by now. But if not is is an amazing Bible app. It has multiple Bible translations (about anyone you can look for), great devotionals, and more.
Blue Letter Bible (IOS & Android)
The Blue Letter Bible app functions similarly to its website. But the app is more user friendly. You can compare translations and have access to text commentaries and dictionaries. I use it most frequently to read Matthew Henry’s Commentary.
Logos (IOS & Android)
If you are in the Bible Study world you’ve probably heard of Logos. But here’s some great news for everyone. They have a free app that comes with basic Bible study tools like the ones mentioned above (not specifically those but similar ones). It comes with a free study bible written by some of the best biblical scholars alive today. It’s a great place to find quality study tools all in one place.
Got Questions? (IOS & Android)
Got Questions? has a mobile version of their website. If you have a question related to the Bible, Christian living, etc. chances are you will find they have an answer. They have biblical answers to thousands of questions. So, if you have a question this is a great place to start.
Read Scripture (IOS & Android)
Read Scripture is a fantastic app if you are completely new to Bible study and a little intimidated by it all. This app will walk you through reading the Scripture and uses Bible Project’s videos to give you the big-picture context of the biblical story.
Five Psalms (IOS & Android)
Five Psalms app is an app that is based off of a book by Donald Whitney called, Praying the Bible. This app will give you five psalms to choose from and pray through it like Whitney discusses in his book. Do you need his book for this app? No. You can pray through the Psalms how you want, but his book is very helpful if you want more information.
BibleProject is an amazing resource. They are an animation studio that makes bible videos online. They have videos on every book of the bible, important words and themes and so much more.
Overview Bible
Overview Bible is a fantastic site that gives you a big-picture look at the Bible. They have well put together and easily understandable Book overviews for every book of the Bible. Plus, they have tons of really cool infographics.
BibleGateway is where I go when I want to read the Bible online, while on my laptop. It is extremely user friendly, and full of great resources. A little hidden gem is their Scripture Engagement section that will help you more meaningfully interact with God’s word.
Bible Hub
BibleHub is very similar to BibleGateway, but I turn to it to do word studies while online. It makes it so easy to do them. I just put it on interlinear and click the word. If you BibleGateway is not for you then give BibleHub a try.
PlanoBibleChapel.org/constable-notes/ contains Bible Study notes written by Dr. Thomas L. Constable on every book of the Bible. Dr. Constable taught at Dallas Theological Seminary for 45 years, and now spends his time updating these notes. These are essentially free commentaries written by Dr. Constable to help people better understand the Bible. They are both thorough and easy to follow.
Bible Wonderlife
Congratulations! You’ve already found Bible Wonderlife. Honestly, I considered not putting it on here, then thought “Why not?” Because I want this website to be a place to come where you can learn to experience the Bible, encounter God, and live biblically.
Searching the Scriptures: Finding the Nourishment Your Soul Needs
This book is one of the first books that I actually read on how to study the Bible. Swindoll does a phenomenal job taking Bible study, which can come across as overwhelming and at times boring, and makes it an appetizing feast for the soul.
Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus
This one provides an eye opening experience of seeing how Jesus would have read the Bible in his time. If you want to learn to read the Bible the way Jesus would, then Tverberg is your teacher. You’ll discover things you’ve never captured before in Bible study.
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God
This book on prayer will change your relationship with God for the better. Keller will use Scripture and guidance to help you capture a way of prayer that works for you so that you pray more personal and powerful prayers.
Prayer: Communing with God in Everything
This is another book that will change your prayer life. Tozer will show you how prayer can become a way of life.
Praying the Bible
Praying the Bible is a book that will help you learn to pray the Scripture back to God. Whitney helps Scripture become immensely practical and personal through prayer.
The Pursuit of God
If you want to learn about spiritual encounters with God, then this is the book for you. Tozer will help you experience God like never before in this life changing book.
Kingdom Encounters
The Christian life is not all sunshine and rainbows. It hard. We go through hard times. In this book pastor Tony Evans reminds us and shows us how we can experience more of God, even when we walk through the valleys of life.
The Kingdom Agenda
This is another book by Pastor Tony Evans. In The Kingdom Agenda, Evans shows Christians how they can live for God, live biblically, today. This is an essential book for Christian life and living.
Dream Big
This book will help you discover, chase, and realize your God-given dreams.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
A beautiful and comprehensive look at spiritual disciplines. This book should be required reading for those looking to live a Bible-based lifestyle. Whitney offers practical suggestions for diving into some great Christian practices such as prayer, fasting, journaling, silence, etc.