How to Study The Bible Individually: Practical Tips for Newbies

I grew up in church but was never taught how to study the bible on my own. Through trial and error, I’ve discovered a way to study the Bible for myself that works for me and gathered some practical tips along the way that makes it easier.

As a general rule, studying the Bible as an individual entails reading, analyzing, interpreting, and applying Scripture to personal life. Individual Bible study differs from group study. As such, there are different tips and methods for studying the Bible as an individual that may not apply to groups.

Starting out studying the Bible by yourself can seem intimidating. But God wants you to spend time with Him. Learning to study the Bible by yourself, is a great way to spend time alone with God.

Tips For Studying the Bible Alone

When I first started studying the Bible by myself, I had no idea what I was doing. I’d pray, open up the BIble to a random page, read a few verses, and pray again. As you can imagine it got old quick.

Since then, I’ve learned how to study the Bible by myself and discovered some things that make spending time alone with God’s word more meaningful.

  1. Choose a Comfortable Space: Choose a place where you can be alone and uninterrupted. This way you can focus on God and His word. This may be a comfy chair, a back porch, or a corner in your room. For me, it’s my bed.
  2. Select the Right Bible Translation: There are many different bible translations. Chose one that is easy for you to read and understand. I’d recommend starting with the New International Version (NIV).
  3. Gather Study Materials: In addition to your Bible you may want to get a pen and paper.
  4. Set a Regular Study Time: You don’t need to set a specific time to study like 7:30-8:00. But try to create a common routine. For example, get up, take a shower, read the Bible, eat breakfast.
  5. Start with a Prayer: Prayer is vital to studying the Bible as an individual. Ask God to speak to you and help you understand and apply His word to your life. God hears and answers our prayers.
  6. Choose a Passage or Topic: Start with a book, passage, or topic that interests you. If you like war movies, then start looking at the battles of the Old Testament, and then spiritual battles we face.
  7. Read Thoughtfully: Read actively. See how things connect. Answer the 5 W’s (Who? What? When? Where? Why?). Read slowly and read multiple times.
  8. Take Notes: Write down things that stand out to you, questions you may have, words or phrases you don’t understand.
  9. Use Study Aids: If you want to go more in-depth, or answer difficult questions, then use Bible study resources. Things like commentaries, dictionaries, etc. will help you go deeper in the study. Though, if you are just starting out studying the Bible as an individual, then I’d recommend getting a study Bible, as it can help you go more in-depth without investing in a ton of different resources.
  10. Reflect and Apply: Be intentional about taking time to reflect on what you’ve studied and how it can apply to your life.
  11. Pray for Understanding: Conclude in prayer again. Ask God to help you understand and apply what you’ve learned. Thank Him for His word. Take a moment to also listen to what God may be putting on your heart.
  12. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. It can take anywhere from 18-254 days to form a habit. So, try to do a little bit every day.
  13. Share and Discuss: Consider sharing what you’ve learned with a trusted friend or mentor. You can also ask them any questions you may have.
  14. Be Patient: Bible study is a life long journey. There is always more to learn, and more ways to grow like Christ. God is at work in your life, whether you always see it or not.
  15. Use your imagination: Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine what it would be like to experience what they experienced. How would you feel? What would you think?

Bible Study Tools for Individual Study

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Those practical tips can take a Bible study beginner far, especially when it comes to studying the Bible alone. But what tools or resources will be helpful for individual study?

Getting a good study Bible is worth the investment. A study good study Bible will contain not only the biblical text, but other resources such as maps, articles, and commentary to aid in your understanding of the Bible.

The ESV Study Bible is a highly recommended resource by many Christians. But if you are a new believer or new to individual Bible study in general, then I would recommend the NIV Starting Place Study Bible. This study Bible was designed for those new to Bible study in mind.

There are other tools you can get to study the Bible. However, I would not recommend much more than a good study Bible for those first starting out. But if you want to check out what tools those are or other great websites, apps, and books for Bible study then feel free to visit my Bible Study Bookshelf.

Bible Study Methods for Individuals

One of the most important decisions you will make after choosing to study the Bible on your own is choosing a Bible study method. There are many different ways to study the Bible, and it is important to find one that works best for you.

Let’s look at three common Bible Study Methods:

(the .5 is preparation)
EST. TIME REQUIREMENT30 min. — 1 hr.~1.5+ hrs.
(can be broken up)
20 + min.
(or as long as needed)
INTENSITY (1-5)342
RESOURCESBible, Pen/Paper
(can use other
resources if desired)
Bible, Pen/Paper,
Bible Dictionary,
Bible Handbook,
Commentaries, Atlas
(A good study Bible)
Bible, Pen/Pencil,

If you want to learn more about a specific method of Bible study, then simply click on the method above.

My Individual Bible Study Method for Beginners

I want to take a moment and share with you what I currently do in Bible study, that is not one of the methods mentioned above.

I have a journaling Bible with lines on the side of the Scripture passages. So, when I’m reading through a passage, I simply take notes on it. I’ll outline the chapter or write things that stand out to me on side, or how it may connect to other passages. That’s it. That’s all I do.

This is a great way to get started studying the Bible on your own if you are struggling to choose a Bible study method or get easily overwhelmed by the depth of the Bible.

And If you are looking for a book of the Bible to start with, I’d recommend Luke.

Are you not quite ready for individual Bible study? That’s okay consider going to a group bible study. Here is everything you can expect when attending a group bible study.

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