Free Online Study Bibles and How To Use Them Well

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There is an abundance of online resources to study the Bible online. But what if you are looking for just a simple study Bible? Online and for free? Is that to much to ask? Well, after some thorough exploring to find a simple online study Bible option for me, here is what I discovered.

In general, there are free online study Bibles. Meaning there are digital online resources that have the Biblical text alongside study notes or commentary. That said, online study Bibles might not be exactly like their print counterparts.

Therefore, it’s wise to know what to look for and to see what these “online study Bibles” offer. That way you can find an online study Bible option for you, or decide to go and get a print study Bible.

What is a Study Bible?

Overall, a study Bible is a resource that features the Biblical text alongside helpful study resources. These helpful resources can include:

  • Study Notes/Commentary: These are notes, insights, and background information to a specific verse or passage written by leading Bible scholars, teachers, or pastors.
  • Cross-references: Cross-references are like links on a webpage. They show links and connections to other verses that cover a similar topic or that may shed light on a particular verse.
  • Concordance: The concordance will list popular words and popular verses where those words are found.
  • Book Introductions: Book introductions provide information about the author, audience, and context to a particular book in the Bible.
  • Maps and Illustrations: Some Study Bible will have maps and illustrations throughout the study Bible near passages they would be helpful for.
  • Articles: Some study Bibles will include articles on a variety of topics ranging from how we got the Bible, to theology, to more practical articles like applying passages to our life.

As you can see a study Bible contains a lot of helpful study tools and resources.

If you want to know more about the specifics of a study BIble or how to get the most out of these unique features in a study Bible, then check out this article, where I walk through each part of the study Bible and how to use them to enhance your study.

Characteristics of A Free Online Study Bible

Now, that we have a foundational idea of what a study Bible is, we kind of know what to look for when looking for an online study Bible. We want the biblical text alongside as many of these features that we can find, all in one convenient spot.

That’s not hard to do. There are numerous online websites with Bible study tools and resource like commentaries, dictionaries, articles etc. Some of the best are,

These are what I would classify as online Bible study resources. Not an online study Bible. I’m probably splitting hairs here as many of these resources are great and can be used as an online “study bible”.

But so often they separate the Biblical text from the study resources, and that’s what makes a print study Bible so unique. So, here’s what I was looking for when I went searching for a free online study Bible.

  • First, it has to be free to access. Whether you have to create a free account or not. I was looking for something where you could access the Bible and study resources for free.
  • Second. It has to feature prominently the Biblical text. The Bible has to be the center of any free online study Bible.
  • Third, any supplementary resources had to be featured next to the Biblical text on the same screen. Why? Because that is how it is in a print study Bible. So, I was looking for something with that same uniqueness and easy to navigate feature.
  • Fourth, it has to feature as many of these supplementary resources as possible. The main requirement was some sort of study notes/commentary. All others were beneficial extras.

So, that is what made this more challenging. I wasn’t looking for websites with Bible study resources. I was looking for a study Bible available online and for free. I wanted something as close to the experience of using a print study Bible as possible.

That said, here are four free “online study Bibles” that fit the requirements I was looking for. Hopefully, they will be a great help to you as well.

Biblia by Logos

The first one is Biblia by Logos. Biblia by Logos is a free online study Bible in the fullest sense of the term. (no quotation marks needed). Here’s why. With a free account, you get access to,

  • 49 Bibles (including: ASV, NIV, CSB, ESV, NASB, NLT, KJV, etc.)
  • 37 Additional Resources
  • Commentary Critical Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Faithlife Study Bible
  • Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
  • Atlases
  • Devotionals
  • Dictionaries
  • etc.

Honestly, it’s all quite impressive. The main feature that I want to point out is the Faithlife Study Bible. This is a free online study Bible. That is defined and works just like a print study Bible. You’ll have your Biblical text on the left side of the screen and you study Bible notes on the right side. Here is what it looks like,

Using the Faithlife Study Bible

The Faithlife study Bible is a fully digital and designed to be so online study Bible. So, it has many unique features. Here is how it works.

There are three different levels of notes. The first layer provides basic definitions and understanding. This what you see in the picture above. Faithlife says that it is always showing and everything above the plus sign.

Now, if you want more information you can click on the plus sign and the study notes will expand to provide more information on the historical, cultural, or linguistic context of the passage you are studying.

Lastly, there are article links that you can click on and get an in depth look at more information. The ones in the picture above include: “Introduction to Genesis”, “The Pentateuch”, and “How to Study the Bible.” These can be book introductions or articles to help you explore Biblical concepts deeper.

As you can see, Bibilia by Logos meets all of the criteria of an online study Bible. As such, it is the best free online study Bible available for Christians to use.

But, that doesn’t mean it’s ideal for everyone. Maybe, you don’t want to create a free account and give your information to others. So, that’s why these other free online study Bibles might be of interest to you.

King James Version Online

The King James Version Online is an online study Bible using the KJV translation of the Bible. You do not need to pay anything or even create an account to use this online study Bible. Here is what it includes,

  • Online Study Bible with Margin Notes
  • Inline Dictionary for every verse
  • Advanced Bible Search
  • Strong’s Concordance
  • Atlas for all Bible places

It contains all the features I expected from an online study Bible, except for some commentary or study notes right beside the passage. That said, from the website you can get to: King James Bible Dictionary, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible, and Matthew Henry’s Commentary.

Using the KJV Online Study Bible

I first stumbled upon this free online study Bible a few years back, and found it quite helpful, even though the KJV is not my preferred translation. It is super easy to navigate and use. I mean, take a look at how simple it is,

Right next to each verse you will see a symbol. A book, a globe, or an asterisk, or some combination of the three. Simply click on the book and the dictionary will pop up with definitions for the key words found in that specific verse.

If a place is mentioned, then click on the globe and it pulls up a map to where that place is located today. And if you click on the asterisk, you’ll get to see the footnotes of the Biblical text. It’s really that simple to use.

Then, if you want to use a commentary, simply go back to the home page, scroll down and click on your preferred commentary. Overall, the KJV Online study Bible makes studying the Bible online simple and efficient.


Our third online study Bible is BibleRef is an very new and ongoing project from the people of Got Questions? Ministries. BibleRef aims to create a simple to understand, original commentary of Scripture.

I included it in this list of free online Bible studies, because it contains the Biblical text alongside study notes. That said, BibleRef does not currently include any other study material and the commentary is brief and broad.

Moreover, because BibleRef is so new they do not yet have commentary available for every book, passage, or verse in the Bible. But they are working hard at it and publish new material twice a month. So, there is always something new to check out and explore.

The quality of the commentary is superb. You can see from the image above that it offers commentary on the specific verse, how that verse fits into the passage it’s in and the entire chapter.

They do the same for chapters. That is, you can see a chapter summary as well as how that chapter fits into the book as a whole.

Overall, BibleRef is great for beginners or new Christians who want to understand how a particular verse or passage fits within the larger context of the Bible. Like I said, earlier, the notes are phenominal. Check out this example,

So far in this Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1–2), Jesus has taught that righteousness includes a person’s heart—their thoughts and attitudes—as much as by their outward actions.

Here, He begins to show that our inner person, including our motivations, is actually more important than actions. His message is not that what we do is unimportant, but that improper motives turn otherwise good deeds into selfishness.

“What does Matthew 6:1 Mean?”

How beautiful and to the point is that. So, is a great free online study Bible for new Christians and beginners.


The last free online study Bible option that we are going to look at is the NET Bible. offers the New English Translation of the Bible alongside, their translation notes and other study notes and commentaries.

The NETBible offers the following study notes alongside the NET translation of the Bible.

  • NET Translation Notes: NET Translation Notes provide insights into the translation choices made in the NET Bible, offering explanations and clarifications of the text.
  • Constable’s Notes: Constable’s Notes are a commentary that provides in-depth explanations and interpretations of each verse, aiming to help readers understand the historical and cultural context of the biblical passages.
  • Maclaren’s Notes: Maclaren’s Notes are a set of expository notes that offer detailed explanations and applications of the biblical text, emphasizing practical insights for spiritual growth.
  • Matthew Henry’s Notes: Matthew Henry’s Notes consist of a renowned commentary offering comprehensive explanations and reflections on the entire Bible, focusing on both the literal meaning and spiritual implications of the verses.
  • You can also create your own study notes.

Another unique feature of is that you can have the original languages, parallel the English text of the Bible. And if you move your mouse over the Greek word it highlights the English word as well. How great is that!

Overall, the NETBible is a great free online study Bible if you are looking for Lot’s of different notes or commentaries to include beside your Biblical text. They offer a lot of practical and informative notes that can help you enrich your Bible study time and experience the Bible in a way you encounter God.

Print Study Bible Options

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Now that we’ve looked at some of the best free online study Bibles, you can see why the answer to the question, “Is there a free online study Bible?” is both yes and no. Yes, because there are free online study Bibles that offer commentary and other study aids alongside Biblical text.

But no, because they often don’t include all the features of a typical print study Bible. If none of these online study Bible’s meets your needs, then you may want to consider a print study Bible.

A study Bible is a fantastic resource to have if you want to experience the Bible in a way that you encounter God. Some great study Bibles that you may want to consider are,

If you want to see how these study Bible’s compare with others, then be sure to check out this article. Here I compare some study Bibles to discover which one is the best for beginners. Other great Bibles for beginners include,

Want to learn more about these study Bibles for beginners and other great Bibles for beginners, then check out this article where I compare these Bibles for beginners. There you will discover what to look for when looking for a new Bible for beginners or new Christians.

Saving Money on Print Bibles

Study Bibles can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. So, here are some tips to save money when purchasing a study Bible if you decide to go that route.

  1. Compare Prices: Check prices across various retailers, both online and in-store, to find the best deals. Different sellers may offer different discounts.
  2. Wait for Sales: Keep an eye on sales events, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or holiday sales, when many retailers offer significant discounts.
  3. Consider Older Editions: Newer editions of study Bibles are often more expensive. If the content hasn’t significantly changed, consider purchasing an older edition at a lower cost.
  4. Explore Secondhand Options: Look for used study Bibles at local bookstores, thrift shops, or online platforms like eBay, Amazon’s used book section, or other used book websites.
  5. Library or Borrowing: Check your local library to see if they have a copy of the study Bible you’re interested in. Alternatively, you might be able to borrow one from a friend or study group.
  6. Student or Educational Discounts: If you are a student, check if there are any student discounts available at bookstores or directly from publishers.
  7. Patience for Promotions: Publishers occasionally run promotions or giveaways. Keep an eye on social media, websites, or newsletters for announcements of such opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  • There are free online study Bibles available, offering the Biblical text alongside study notes, commentary, cross-references, concordance, book introductions, maps, illustrations, and articles.
  • Biblia by Logos: Offers access to 49 Bibles, 37 additional resources, and features the Faithlife Study Bible, providing a layout similar to a print study Bible.
  • King James Version Online: Utilizes the KJV translation, requires no payment or account creation, includes margin notes, an inline dictionary, advanced Bible search, Strong’s Concordance, and an atlas.
  • A project by Got Questions? Ministries, providing a simple and original commentary of Scripture, suitable for beginners, with commentary on specific verses, chapter summaries, and contextual explanations.
  • Offers the New English Translation of the Bible along with translation notes and commentaries from Constable’s Notes, Maclaren’s Notes, and Matthew Henry’s Notes; allows users to create their own study notes.
  • Print study Bible’s are a great alternative, and if you want to save money, be sure to buy them on sale.

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