First Time Group Bible Study: What to Expect For Everyone

Going to a group Bible study for the first time can feel a little intimidating. Throughout my Christian life, I’ve been to my share of group bible studies, here’s what you can expect.

As a general rule, group bible studies include a time of prayer, Scripture reading, and discussion that lasts 6-12 weeks and meet once a week. Group Bible studies are designed to foster connection and spiritual growth in a judgement free atmosphere.

Let’s walk through exactly what a typical group Bible study will look like so that there are no surprises when you show up to yours. You can walk in confident, relaxed and ready for a good time. Then you’ll leave having grown in faith and love toward God.

What to Expect in a Bible Study Session

A typical Bible study session will begin with a time of socializing while waiting on everyone to arrive. There may be light snacks, coffee, or other light refreshments available. Other group bible studies start with bigger meals or even suppers. Regardless, it’s best not to show up famished. 🙂

If you are comfortable socializing, then show up a little early and get to know some of the people in your group on a more personal level. But if you are not a social butterfly then, feel free to show up right on time to get started.

The actual Bible study time will begin with a prayer said by the leader of the group.

After the time of prayer selected portions or chapters of Scripture will be read. These may be chapters of a book in the Bible selected by the group leader or from a bible study workbook.

Following the reading of Scripture, there may be some commentary or insights shared by the group leader. Typically this is the case if the group is going through a Bible study workbook together. Other times there may be a video to go along with the BIble study workbook that will be played.

Next, is the time of discussion. Group Bible studies that are using a curriculum workbook will generally discuss the questions in the workbook and the answers they provided. The group leader will open up the floor for discussion and allow whoever is comfortable to answer.

Other Bible studies that are not using a curriculum may just open up the floor for general comments and insights and let the discussion happen more extemporaneously.

Following the discussion, the group leader will either close in prayer or have someone else close in prayer and provide instructions about getting ready for the next meeting. Typically this will mean reading certain chapters from the Bible and/or doing the next section of the workbook. It may even be nothing at all.

What to Bring to a Group Bible Study

If you are attending a group Bible study for the first time it is entirely acceptable to bring nothing at all. If however you got with the group before they started or want to feel more prepared there are some things you may want to consider bringing with you:

  • A Bible
  • A Notebook
  • A Writing Utensil

These are things that you will definitely want to bring to any group bible study. Now, there is something else you may need to bring and that is a curriculum Bible study workbook.

Open Bible and Notebook

Some group Bible studies work through a curriculum Bible study that has a workbook. So, if you are attending one of those it would be helpful to get the workbook they are working on. Now, sometimes the group will provide the workbook for you for free. Other times, though, you may be asked to purchase it.

Regardless, no one expects you to show up the first time with one anyway. So, feel free to visit the group Bible study a few times and see if that is what you want to do and then, if it is, go and get it.

Also, after attending a few times and you notice that there is any sort of food or drinks being served, offer to bring some one week or see if the group leader needs help doing so. After all, food is a great way to get to know people.

How Often Group Bible Studies Meet

Group Bible studies will last anywhere from 6-12 weeks with 7 or 8 sessions being the most common. However, a group that is not using a curriculum guide can last however long the leader wants. This is because how often group Bible studies meet depend on whether or not a curriculum used.

As a whole, group Bible studies will meet once a week. This is especially true if the Bible study group is through a church. However, bi-weekly, and monthly meetings are also options for those gathering independent of a church or Christian institution.

Each group Bible study session will last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. This provides a good 45-60 minutes of actual Bible study time and 15-20 minutes for socializing. So, if you are thinking about attending a group Bible study, prepare to make a couple hour time investment each week.

A group Bible study is designed to be a fun, relaxing, comfortable time to get together and enjoy one another’s company while spending time growing spiritually. But if you are ready to strike out on your own then here are some great tips to studying the Bible on your own.

If you are interested in leading a group Bible study but don’t know where to start, then you should check out these great tips for conquering leading a Bible study for the first time. These practical tips will help you create an amazing Bible study group.

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