Digital vs. Print Bible: The Ultimate Guide To Which Is Best

I have numerous physical copies of Bibles as well as many different Bible apps. The other day, I began to wonder which is best. I mean, I have my preferences, but which one is objectively the best. Perhaps, you’ve wondered the same thing. So, I did a little investigating and discovered the answer.
In general, print Bibles are preferable to digital Bibles as studies show that print material is better suited to aiding reading comprehension. Also, print Bibles have numerous other benefits. However, there are instances where a digital Bible is preferred and even better than a print copy.
So, let’s dive into what exactly makes print Bibles superior, and when figure out when a digital Bible might be best.
Choose Print Over Digital Bibles When You Can
Studies have shown that physical copies of books are better suited for learning than their digital counterparts.
In fact, this study from 2016, shows that while students can identify the main point equally with digital and print resources, they are able to better discover key points linked to the main idea when using print resources.
In other words, digital copies of the Bible are best suited for skimming and/or capturing the main idea of a passage. But print Bibles are best suited for experiencing and interacting deeply with a passage.
So, it is wisest to choose a print Bible over a digital Bible when we can.
This preference for a print Bible seems to be the preferred way to engage with Scripture. According to the American Bible Society’s 2023 State of the Bible, print Bibles out rank digital Bibles when it comes to engaging with the Bible.

The American Bible Society states,
State of the Bible USA 2023, American Bible Society, asked how often they used different formats of the Bible, nearly seven of ten Bible Users (69%) said they still used a printed Bible on a monthly basis or more frequently… These figures are about the same as last year”
So, the preferred method of reading the Scriptures is still in print format. Nor is it going away as quickly as one might expect. And all the data seems to encourage and support the idea that we ought to choose a print Bible over a digital Bible when we can.
Just check out some of the amazing benefits of choosing a print Bible.
Benefits of Choosing a Print Bible
In general, reading and studying from a print Bible will result in a deeper interaction with God’s word, less distraction, and a better grasp of Scriptural context.
Deeper Interaction with God’s Word
A 2021 study of students, compared reading attitudes of students between print and digital resources. The results showed numerous benefits in terms of reading attitudes. For instance, readers reported,
- a higher level of perceived understanding
- a higher level of perceived confidence
- a higher level of perceived immersion, and
- a lower level of perceived fatigue
This study shows that if we want to dive deeper into the Bible and truly experience the Bible in a real way, then we should use a print Bible for study and reading.
We’ll be able to fully immerse ourselves in Scripture and better understand God’s Word. Leaving our time refreshed and confident.
Less Distraction
Moreover, using a print Bible will result in less distraction. This one seems pretty obvious. Constant notifications from our phones or other technological devices can lead increased inattention, according to this 2019 study. As a result, we are less productive than ever.
I’ve seen this in my own experience, both at work professionally and in Church. I was in a group chat with my boss and some co-workers at work and would receive notifications anytime anyone commented anything. Whether, I was working that day or not. Whether it was relevant to me or not.
Let me tell you, it stressed me out. I decided to turn off the notifications and check only when I was working or before heading into work. This helped reduce work related stress in my life.

At church, one time I was at a Bible study on a Sunday night. I will be honest with you. I was tired. So, I used my phone to read from the Bible. Then After I read the passage, I scrolled through Facebook the rest of the time. Did I hear what was being said? No. Did I learn anything? No.
Now, did I want to scroll through Facebook. No, I wanted to follow along. I just got distracted and went down the rabbit hole. Next thing I know Bible study is all over.
My point is, and you probably have your own stories and similar experiences that demonstrate this point, our phones can be and often are the most distracting things we have. We feel compelled to respond immediately to notifications, texts, even emails. What!
So, when we use a print Bible, we automatically remove all the distractions and eliminating even the possibility of being distracted by our phones.
Better Grasp of Scriptural Context
The last benefit of using a print Bible that I want to mention is our ability to better grasp the Scriptural context of a passage. Understanding the context of a passage is key to interpreting and applying the passage to your life.
By the way, if you are curious about how to interpret the Bible for yourself, then check out this article. It will walk you through seven Biblical steps to interpreting the Bible on your own. Yes, you can interpret the Bible for yourself.
Anyway, context is king when it comes to interpretation. And having the BIble on a phone we are only able to see a few surrounding verses. But a print Bible offers chapters of surrounding context that we can see at one time.
Often times, Biblical writers take chapters, even pages, to develop a theme or concept to make their main point. So, a print Bible will offer us a reminder that the verse we are reading or the passage we are studying comes in context. It’s part of a larger story.
The Importance of Digital Bibles
We’ve shown that print Bibles are often best suited for reading and studying the Bible. However, digital BIbles are still of great importance. And as we continue to develop new technology the use of that technology and the Bible will continue to change and grow.
That same 2021 study of students mentioned earlier shows that the performance gap (i.e. reading comprehension) between print and digital reading is narrowing. In other words, our ability to comprehend what we read through digital resources is growing closer to that of print resources.
We can see this same idea by looking at how different generations interact with and engage with the Bible. The American Bible Society’s 2023 Sate of the Bible shows Gen Z is more likely to engage with the Bible through the internet or Bible app over a print version.

So, digital Bibles are relevant and even necessary to encourage evangelism, biblical literacy, and even spiritual growth among younger generations. We see that in the popularity of the Youversion Bible App.
The Youversion Bible app has been downloaded over 633 million times offering 3,000 Bible versions in 2,000 different languages. The Bible truly is more accessible than ever. That’s just one of the important benefits of digital Bibles. There are many more pros to choosing a digital Bible.
The Pros of Digital Bibles
Other than accessibility, a digital Bible offers the following benefits.
- Search and Navigation: Digital Bibles often come with search features and hyperlinks, making it easier for users to find specific verses or passages quickly.
- Multiple Translations: Digital Bibles can include various translations, allowing users to compare and understand the text in different languages or interpretations.
- Annotations and Notes: Users can make digital annotations and take notes, enhancing their study experience and personalizing their understanding of the scriptures.
- Audio and Visual Enhancements: Some digital Bibles include audio readings or multimedia features, providing additional ways for users to engage with the content.
- Community Features: Digital platforms may offer community and social features, enabling users to discuss and share their insights with others who are studying the same text.
Personally, I primarily use a digital Bible when I am looking for a particular verse and only remember a couple of words in it. That is my favorite benefit of having a personal Bible.
I also like how convenient it is. I often find myself in conversations about the Bible with others and will pull out my Bible app to see what verse or passage they are talking about. So, I can see the surrounding context.
Want to know the best Bible apps, then be sure to check out this article to discover 120 of the best Bible apps. It has a list of the best apps for beginners, teens, kids, Bible study, devotional, and more.
So, when is it best to use a print Bible over a digital Bible? What about using a digital Bible over a print Bible?
Determining When to Use Print Bibles vs. Digital Bibles
The choice between using a print or digital Bible depends on individual preferences, learning styles, and the specific context in which the Bible is being used. Here are some things to consider to help you decide when to use each one:
Use a Print Bible When:
- Preference for Tangibility: If you enjoy the tactile experience of holding a physical book and find it more immersive or satisfying, a print Bible may be the preferred choice. Studies show this tends to be the case.
- Avoiding Distractions: Print Bibles eliminate the potential distractions associated with digital devices, allowing for a more focused and contemplative reading experience. Its ideal for intense study of the Bible.
- Offline Access: In situations where internet connectivity is unreliable or unavailable, a print Bible ensures constant access to the scriptures without dependence on technology.
- Symbolic or Ceremonial Occasions: Print Bibles are often chosen for special occasions, ceremonies, or religious rituals where the physical presence of the book holds symbolic importance.
- Limited Access to Technology: If individuals or communities have limited access to digital devices or technology, print Bibles become a more accessible and practical choice.
Use a Digital Bible When:
- Searchability and Navigation: Digital Bibles offer quick and efficient search features, making it easy to find specific verses or passages, which can be particularly useful during study sessions.
- Multiple Translations and Resources: Digital Bibles provide the convenience of switching between various translations and accessing additional study resources, helping users gain a deeper understanding of the text.
- Note-Taking and Annotations: If you prefer to take digital notes, highlight passages, or make annotations, a digital Bible allows for easy customization and organization of your study materials.
- Portability and Convenience: Digital Bibles are highly portable, as they can be carried on a smartphone or tablet, making it convenient for individuals who are frequently on the go.
- Audio and Visual Enhancements: Some digital Bibles include audio readings, multimedia elements, or interactive features, providing a more dynamic and engaging experience for users.
- Community and Sharing Features: If you enjoy participating in online discussions, sharing insights, or engaging with a community of believers, a digital Bible with social features may be beneficial.
Ultimately, the decision to use a print or digital Bible is a personal one, and individuals may find value in incorporating both formats into their spiritual practice based on different circumstances and preferences.
I know personally, I use both about equally. My general rule for me is to use a print Bible when I can and use a digital one when I don’t have access to a print Bible. I feel like that is a good rule of thumb to follow. This way you can have the best of both worlds.