Character Bible Study: What It Is and How It’s Done

A Man Writing on a Notebook while Reading a Bible

Have you ever wanted to look at the life of a particular person in the Bible, but had no clue where to start? Yes, me too. It can be overwhelming. Some people’s stories cover multiple chapters and even books. While other, just a few lines. This is where doing a character Bible study proves most helpful.

In general, a character Bible study is a Bible study method that will look at a specific person from the Bible, analyze their life story, and apply lessons learned from their character traits and relationship with God to our own lives. This is a simple and fun way for anyone to start studying the Bible.

Ready to find out just how fun and easy a character Bible study can be? Then keep reading! You’ll discover not only what a character Bible study is, but tools you can use, people you can choose, and a easy to follow step by step process on getting the most out of your character Bible study.

Character Bible Study Overview

One of the first things we need to ask about a character Bible study is: What is a character Bible study, and is it Biblical?

A character Bible study is a method of studying the Bible that looks at the life, strengths, and weaknesses of a particular person in the Bible, their relationship with God (or lack thereof), and seeks to find life lessons and principles that we can apply to our lives and our own relationship with God today.

In short, a character Bible study looks at the life of a person in the Bible as an example for our own lives.

Are Character Bible Studies Biblical?

But now, that we know what a character Bible study is we need to see if it is Biblical. There are five principles we can use to evaluate whether or not this method of studying Scripture is Biblical. These five principles are,

  • A biblical Bible study method will value Scripture as God’s Word. The Bible makes clear that it is to be treated with the highest regard. We see verses where Scripture is compared to life-sustaining forces such as water or food. Or compared to valuables like gold, silver, rubies, and other treasures.
  • A biblical Bible study method will deepen our understanding and appreciation for God’s Word. We see verses and ideas that a biblical examination of the Bible is encouraged and leads to a deeper appreciation and understanding of God’s Word.
  • A biblical Bible study method will lead to a better picture of Jesus. Jesus condemned the Pharisees for having their noses so far down in Scripture that they missed the author of the Book standing in front of them. The Bible will always paint a clear picture of Jesus.
  • A biblical Bible study method will involve constant interaction with God’s Word. The Jews were called to meditate, teach, write, and memorize God’s Word. They were to be surrounded by constant reminders of Scripture. So, a biblical Bible study will involve constant interaction with the Bible.
  • A biblical Bible study method will change us. Scripture makes clear that the Bible is both able to change and will change those who interact with it well. So, a biblical Bible study will transform us into more Christ like versions of ourselves.

When we compare these principles with the character Bible study method, we do see that it is a biblical way to study and look at Scripture. There is even Scriptural support for doing a character Bible study.

In Hebrews 11, the author discusses the nature of faith. He then goes on to list many Old Testament people as examples and illustrations of faith. He’s doing a character Bible study, looking at each of these people individually and seeing how they had faith.

Also, we see Paul write in 1 Corinthians,

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

1 Corinthians 10:11

Paul was looking at Israel’s history in the wilderness and using it as an example for Christians and using it as an example for the Church in Corinth to warn them not to set their heart on evil things.

So, we see that not only is character Bible studies biblical, but they have even been used in the Bible to shape our faith and walk with God. So, who can do a character Bible study?

Who Can Do A Character Bible Study?

Really anyone can do a character Bible study. Looking at specific people in the Bible is a great way to introduce the idea of Bible study into your life. It’s great for people of all ages, including: kids, youth, and adults. So, no matter your background or age you can do a character Bible study.

person in gray long sleeve shirt holding black pen writing on white paper

Why Do A Character Bible Study?

You may think that studying a specific person in the Bible is something only a Bible nerd would do. But the reality is that it has some amazing and surprising benefits.

First, it is immensely practical for personal and spiritual growth. You may wonder what you can learn from people who lived so long ago in a totally different culture. But the truth is human nature has not changed. Doing a character Bibe study can shed light on our nature and encourage us to grow spiritually.

Second, a character Bible study makes the Bible come alive. I’ve found that after doing a character Bible study, I feel like I get to know these people on a personal level. They become familiar, and in some ways friends. These people become real and not just Bible characters in a story.

Third, a character Bible study reveals God’s unchanging nature. The greatest part about doing a character Bible study is that you get to see God at work in and through their lives. Then when you look at another person in the Bible, you see God’s nature and work is the same. It becomes a comfort for your life.

Resources For Doing A Character Bible Study

Now that we know what a character Bible study is and why it’s so important, let’s see what tools you may need for it. Remember, a character Bible study looks at the life of a particular person from the Bible. So, you’ll want tools that will help you better understand the history and culture of that person.

I’ve found these tools to be most helpful for me.

Bible Study ToolBrief DescriptionHow it’s Helpful in Character Bible Study
BibleGod’s Holy and revealed Word, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.Primary source for studying biblical characters’ stories, actions, and dialogues.
Bible DictionaryA reference book containing explanations and definitions of words, names, places, and concepts found in the Bible.Provides additional insight and overview of people’s lives in the Bible. Can learn additional insights into the meanings of names, locations, and cultural elements.
ConcordanceAn alphabetical index of words used in a book (such as the Bible) with references to the passages in which they occur.Helps in locating specific verses and occurrences related to a particular character.
GoogleAn internet search engine. (obviously)Can quickly search the person you are studying to find numerous articles, commentaries, and other online resources helpful in diving deeper into a character. BUT: Please use only credible sources that are biblical and that you trust.
Bible AppMobile or online applications that provide digital access to the Bible, often with additional study features.Primarily use the search feature on the YouVersion Bible App to look up plans, verses, etc. where the character is mentioned.

All these tool are extremely helpful in doing a character Bible study. The one I use most frequently are: Bible, Bible Dictionary, and the search feature on the Bible App.

I use the Bible to look up and read the Scripture references, the dictionary to learn about the history behind the person, and the search feature to see where else they are mentioned in the Bible.

Great online resources you can use can be found on the Bible Study Bookshelf. Here you will find a list of websites and online resources that I trust and recommend, plus other great resources.

Types of Character Bible Studies

Did you know there are different types of character Bible studies? You can look at individuals, couples, other relationships, etc. There are as many different types of character studies as their are people in the Bible. Here is a list of some different types to give you inspiration.

  • Gender-Based Study
    • Women of the New Testament
    • Patriarchs of the Old Testament
    • Female Villans and Heroes
  • Couples Study
    • Adam and Eve
    • Abraham and Sarah
    • Isaac and Rebekah
    • Jacob and Rachel/Leah
    • David and Bathsheba
    • Mary and Joseph
  • Pairs Study
    • Cain and Abel
    • Samson and Delilah
    • Paul and Silas
    • Paul and Timothy
    • Peter, James, John
  • Kings Study
    • Saul
    • David
    • Solomon
    • Hezekiah
    • Josiah
    • Ahab
  • Disciples Study
    • Peter
    • James
    • John
    • Philip
    • Paul
  • Bible Villians Study
    • Satan
    • Cain
    • Ahab
    • Herod
  • Prophets Study
    • Isaiah
    • Jeremiah
    • Jonah
    • Dainel
  • etc.
saint, peter, bible

Want more ideas? Check out this great list of 30 strong women in the Bible.

The key in choosing a character is to find one that interests you. Start with someone you want to know more about or someone that you already love. Starting with someone you are interested in will help you want to stick with your study and build that Bible study habit.

Steps to Doing A Character Study

A character Bible study is one of the simplest and fun types of Bible studies you can do. Simply follow these steps and you are well on the way of not only learning more about the people in the Bible, but also in allowing their story to shape your faith journey with God.

  • Select Your Character: Choose a biblical figure to study based on personal interest or spiritual leading.
  • Contextualize the Character: Explore the historical and cultural context, understanding the character’s role and key events.
  • Study Scripture References: Compile and study relevant Bible verses to delve deeper into the character’s motivations and actions.
  • Examine Character Traits: Analyze virtues, vices, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motives in the context of the character’s journey.
  • Explore Character Relationships: Investigate the character’s relationships, drawing parallels to timeless relationship dynamics.
  • Identify Lessons and Morals: Discover universal principles from the character’s experiences to apply to contemporary challenges.
  • Reflect and Journal: Use journal prompts to reflect on personal connections, growth opportunities, and insights gained.
  • Remember the Gospel: Recognize God’s involvement in the character’s story, identifying attributes of God through their narrative.
  • Apply Learnings to Life: Apply insights and lessons from the character study to personal circumstances, setting realistic goals for ongoing spiritual growth.

If you want a more in depth look at these steps and what exactly to do during each step, then feel free to check out this more detailed step by step look at doing a character Bible study. This article will help you master each step so that you get the most out of your character Bible study.

A Character Bible study is a great way to experience the Bible in a way that you encounter God. The Bible comes alive and you get to experience God through other peoples stories and lives. Curious to see what that looks like? Then check out these on Esther and Ezra. After that, it’s time to begin your own study!

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