
sunset, girl, worship, field, prayer, nature, sun, female, outdoor, person, sky, light, joy, hands, god, christian, spiritual, silhouette, happiness, worship, worship, prayer, prayer, prayer, god, god, god, god, god

12 Prayers of Adoration to God in the Bible and What They Teach

We talk a lot about worshiping and praising God. If you are like me, then you know you need to do it. But if your honest, you don’t as much as you would like. Perhaps, you’ve wondered, “How do I adore God?” Perhaps, you’ve wanted biblical examples to learn from. Well, now you have them….

3 Types of Adoration: The History, Meaning, and Purpose

3 Types of Adoration: The History, Meaning, and Purpose

The other day, I was in church and was singing a song of adoration to God. Then I began thinking, “honor we give to people is different than the praise we give to God.” Perhaps you’ve wondered the same thing. What makes the difference? Are there different types of adoration? According to the Catholic Church,…

Close-up of expressive hands in prayer wearing a bracelet, conveying faith and devotion.

Adoration: Key Bible Verses, Powerful Examples, and More

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to enjoy God’s presence? That’s adoration. Prayers of adoration are wonderful, but if you are like me, then you can quickly get into feeling like you are going through the motions or running out of things to praise God for. That’s impossible. But that’s also where examples…