Christian Life

Living in Glory: Experiencing the Shekinah Glory of God

Living in Glory: Experiencing the Shekinah Glory of God

Have you ever just marveled at the beauty and power of nature? It always leads me to smile at God’s glory. Do you want to know more about God’s glory and how can we experience God’s Shekinah glory today? God’s Shekinnah glory is His vital and active dwelling presence in the world. God’s glory has…

The Hand of The Lord: Ezra’s Experience and God Working in Our Lives

The Hand of The Lord: Ezra’s Experience and God Working in Our Lives

Do you ever feel like God’s called you to something, but seeing the results takes forever? Yeah, I get that. So did Ezra and the Israelites of his day. So, let’s take a look at Ezra’s encounter with God and see what it reveals about God working in our lives today. Ezra’s experience with God…

Encounters With Christ Through the Sacraments

Encounters With Christ Through the Sacraments

The other day I was participating in the Lord’s Supper and reflecting on Jesus’ death, and I got to thinking about the other sacraments and how we have encounters with Christ through them. There are two sacraments practiced by most Christians: Baptism and Communion. Then, there are five other sacraments that some Christian denominations and…

Fear of the Lord: Why are people overcome with fear when they encounter the Lord?

Fear of the Lord: Why are people overcome with fear when they encounter the Lord?

One time I was getting back in the car from a place and somehow a wasp got into the car. Let me tell you, I was afraid. This encounter with a wasp got me thinking about why we feel fear when we encounter God. So, I did some exploring in the Bible. People feel fear…

Top 14 Experiences with God from the Bible And What We can Learn

Top 14 Experiences with God from the Bible And What We can Learn

I was thinking the other day, about how people in the BIble experienced God. It feels like we don’t hear stories like that much anymore. So, I decided to explore Bible stories where people have experiences with God and see what we can learn from them. People who have experiences with God in the Bible…