Christian Life

Creative shot of human ears on dark background

Listening to God: Why it’s Important and How to Know its Him

Lately, I’ve been trying to listen to God more. Listening to God is not always easy. But it is important. Perhaps, you are where I am now, at a place where you want guidance and direction, but listening to God is a struggle. Perhaps, you need to remember, like I did, why listening to God…

Closeup Photography of Book Page Folding Forming Heart

Heart of God’s Voice: Understanding, Listening, Discerning

There will come a time in your life, if you are consistently reading the Bible, that you will desire to encounter God just like the people in His word. You’ll crave that intimate desire and connection to God. And let me tell you, it’s possible. God speaks today. His voice echoes through the corridors of…

Is Living Together Before Marriage Biblical?

Is Living Together Before Marriage Biblical?

According to recent studies, living together outside of marriage is now accepted by most Evangelicals. But is it Biblical? Should Christian’s live together before marriage? The Bible does not command nor prohibit couples living together outside of marriage. However, the Bible both strongly affirms the sanctity of marriage and strongly condemns sexual immorality. These are…