Bible Study Basics

Grayscale Photo Of A Man Wearing Sweater

Not Reading the Bible: What Happens and Will God be Mad

Have you ever thought about reading the Bible, then decided not to read it, only to feel guilty later? I have. It’s an all to normal experience in the Christian life. Failure to read the Bible can affect our relationship with God, but probably not in the way you think. In general, God expects us…

Holy Bible on Wooden Table

Creating A Daily Bible Study Routine Perfect For You

Creating a Bible study routine for yourself can be hard. At least, that’s been my experience. There are a variety of ways we can interact with and experience the Bible in ways that we encounter God and grow spiritually. Thus, every Bible study routine may look different and can change over time. That’s okay. In…

9 Tips For Leading Your First Bible Study and Conquering It

9 Tips For Leading Your First Bible Study and Conquering It

It’s easy to feel scared and overwhelmed when asked to lead a Bible study for the first time. But for some reason, you agree to do it. Now you are feeling overwhelmed and panicked. That’s okay. I remember when I was first asked to lead a Bible study group. I was scared. I didn’t really…

Is Lectio Divina Normal Meditation? Plus, Tips To Encounter God

Is Lectio Divina Normal Meditation? Plus, Tips To Encounter God

Meditating is healthy, good, and beneficial. But not all meditation practices are created equal. Not all are biblical. Normal meditation practices, while helpful, can also be dangerous for Christians. So, we need to consider whether or not Lectio Divina is a normal meditation practice. Lectio Divina is not the same as what one would call…

Centering Prayer vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

Centering Prayer vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

When you start practicing Lectio Divina for the first time, you may start to get curious about similar contemplative practices such as centering prayer. So, it’s good to investigate the differences between Lectio Divina and other contemplative practices to determine if they are biblical and/or beneficial. Lectio Divina and centering prayer are not the same…