Lectio Divina

Is Lectio Divina Normal Meditation? Plus, Tips To Encounter God

Is Lectio Divina Normal Meditation? Plus, Tips To Encounter God

Meditating is healthy, good, and beneficial. But not all meditation practices are created equal. Not all are biblical. Normal meditation practices, while helpful, can also be dangerous for Christians. So, we need to consider whether or not Lectio Divina is a normal meditation practice. Lectio Divina is not the same as what one would call…

Centering Prayer vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

Centering Prayer vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

When you start practicing Lectio Divina for the first time, you may start to get curious about similar contemplative practices such as centering prayer. So, it’s good to investigate the differences between Lectio Divina and other contemplative practices to determine if they are biblical and/or beneficial. Lectio Divina and centering prayer are not the same…

Ignatian Meditation vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

Ignatian Meditation vs. Lectio Divina: Are They the Same?

So often in Bible study we can get stuck academically analyzing a passage while neglecting spiritual transformation and personal application. Contemplative practices like Lectio Divina and Ignatian meditation can help remedy that. Lectio Divina and Ignatian Meditation are not the same thing. While both are contemplative practices, Lectio Divina is a prayerful reading of the…

Protestant History of Lectio Divina and Why it Matters

Protestant History of Lectio Divina and Why it Matters

If you know anything about Lectio Divina, it’s probably that it is a method of prayerfully reading Scripture created by Catholic monks. As such, Protestants may be hesitant to try it. But Protestants have their own history with Lectio Divina and contemplative practices of reading the Bible. If you want to explore the origins of…