Translations and Study Bibles

Bible Translations: The Most Accurate In the Entire World

Bible Translations: The Most Accurate In the Entire World

When I started wanting to study the Bible for the first time, I wanted to make sure that I was using an accurate translation. So, I did some research into different translations and discovered what makes a Bible translation accurate. Overall, the most accurate Bible translation is the New American Standard Bible (NASB). The NASB…

NIV Study Bible, Fully Revised Edition Review: An Honest Look

NIV Study Bible, Fully Revised Edition Review: An Honest Look

In today’s world, Christians have an abundance of resources when it comes to studying the Bible. One of those key resources is a study Bible. Given that the NIV is one of the best selling translations on the market, the NIV Study Bible, Fully Revised Edition is worth an honest look to see if it’s…

NASB Study Bible Review: An Honest and Thorough Look

NASB Study Bible Review: An Honest and Thorough Look

A good study Bible is at the heart of good Bible study. It provides a way to learn more about the Bible without having to purchase numerous other books. The NASB Study Bible is an excellent word-for-word translation with easy to read study notes. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional…

Study Bibles for Beginners: Finding the Perfect One

Study Bibles for Beginners: Finding the Perfect One

Study Bibles are arguably one of the most important Bible study resources out there. A good study Bible can provide the necessary information for in-depth study without necessarily purchasing other Bible study resources. But not all Study Bibles are created equal. So, let’s compare 7 different study Bibles and see which one is best for…