Commentaries and Handbooks

Bible Handbook: What it Does, and 3 Reasons It’s Essential

Bible Handbook: What it Does, and 3 Reasons It’s Essential

Good Bible study resources can be both beneficial and essential for starting a Bible study habit of your own. The best resources will provide a big picture overview of the Bible, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of God’s one. One of the best resources for this is a Bible handbook. A Bible handbook…

Commentaries: 9 for Bible Study, and Finding One For You

Commentaries: 9 for Bible Study, and Finding One For You

Commentaries are one of the most helpful Bible study resources available. They offer information through notes, explanations, and insights from scholars or pastors. As such, commentaries are helpful for gaining a deeper understanding of a passage when studying the Bible. As a general rule, the best commentaries for beginners in Bible study would be a…

Handbooks Vs. Commentaries: The Difference and Proper Use

Handbooks Vs. Commentaries: The Difference and Proper Use

There are many different Bible study tools that can be used to help make your Bible study time easier. When I first started studying the Bible, I was given this great big list of all these different resources. I didn’t even know what was what. That’s how it often is when you begin, but let’s…

When You Should and Should Not Use A Bible Commentary

When You Should and Should Not Use A Bible Commentary

Bible commentaries can open up a whole new world when reading or studying the Bible. Some people will recommend that you never use a commentary. Some say you should. There are times when you can use a commentary and perhaps times when you should not. The key is to know when. As a general rule,…

13 Free Commentaries, You’ll be Surprised at the Best One

13 Free Commentaries, You’ll be Surprised at the Best One

Don’t feel like you have to spend lots of money to find good Bible study resources because you don’t. There are tons of free Bible tools and commentaries that you can find online. The best free Bible commentary is one that you find understandable and insightful. Not all free commentaries are created equal, some are…

9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Bible Commentary

9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Bible Commentary

Purchasing a commentary for the first time can be very exciting. That is until you get to the bookstore or Amazon. There so many different options that its easy to feel overwhelmed. So, here are some practical tips for choosing the perfect commentary. As a general rule, when choosing a commentary for the first time…

Bible Commentary: Different Types and the Best for Beginners

Bible Commentary: Different Types and the Best for Beginners

Bible commentaries can be very helpful Bible study aids, but there are so many different ones that it is easy to get overwhelmed. Thankfully, there are different commentary styles for different levels of reading and Bible study. Bible Commentaries can be divided into three categories: Exegetical, Homiletical, or Devotional. These categories can also be grouped…