
A man reading Indoor

Bible Software: 7 Free Options For Newbies and What’s Worth it

Free Bible Study Software is a great alternative to the more costly options. I mean, some Bible study software can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars. But not every free alternative is worth it. So, let’s look at some free options and see which ones are really worth it. As a general rule, the more…

Bible Study Software: The Absolute Best For Beginners

Bible Study Software: The Absolute Best For Beginners

What’s the best Bible study software for beginners? What even is Bible study software? Bible study software provides a comprehensive digital platform to study the Bible, offering numerous Bibles, commentaries, and other helpful resources. Bible study software can be great for beginners who want to get started studying the Bible, but get overwhelmed easily. So,…

Logos vs. Accordance: The Best Bible Software for Pastors

Logos vs. Accordance: The Best Bible Software for Pastors

Bible software is a great resource for pastors or anyone wanting to do Bible study with digital tools. The leading Bible study softwares are Logos and Accordance. Which one is best? Well, I’ve tried them both and discovered that though they are similar, there is one feature that gives gives an advantage to each. In…

Accordance Bible Software For Beginners: An Honest Look

Accordance Bible Software For Beginners: An Honest Look

Digital resources is a great way to go when looking for Bible study resources. This way, you can carry your Bible study tools wherever you go. It makes studying the Bible easier and convenient. One Such digital resource is Accordance Bible Software. But what is it? And is it for beginners? Accordance Bible software is…

Logos Bible Software For Beginners: An Honest Look

Logos Bible Software For Beginners: An Honest Look

With the rise of technology in the 21st century more and more Christians are turning to digital resources to learn and study the Bible. One of the top resources for digital Bible Study is Logos Bible Software. But What is Logos Bible Software? And is it for beginners? Logos Bible Software is a comprehensive digital…

Character Bible Study Template and Worksheet for All Ages

Character Bible Study Template and Worksheet for All Ages

A character Bible study is a transformative journey for kids, youth, and adults alike. People of all ages can find studying characters in the Bible a fun and enriching experience that will help deepen your relationship and encounter God. Character Bible study templates and worksheets are provided for kids, youth, and adults. Kids and teens…

Open Bible and Notebook

Character Bible Study: Why It Matters and What We Can Learn

Have you ever wondered why you could just spend so much time studying just one person from the Bible? I mean, there are some Biblical characters I could spend my whole life studying and learning from. There is so much value and benefit in doing a character Bible study. In general, studying characters in the…

Close-Up Shot of a Person Reading a Bible

Mastering Character Bible Study: Format, Questions, and More

A Character Bible study is a great way to experience the Bible in a way that you encounter God. The Bible comes alive and you get to experience God through other peoples stories and lives. But if you are new to Bible study, then you probably have some questions. Some questions you may have are, All…