
Praying in Love: Lessons from the Benedictus (“Song of Zechariah”)

Do you treat God like a Santa Claus? Do you rattle off a list of wishes to God in hopes you get something? There are times I’ve prayed like that. But God is not Santa Claus…not even close. God is far better than Santa in every way. Perhaps, even in unexpected ways. My point is…

Praying in Faith: Lessons from the Magnificat (“Song of Mary”)

Have you written a letter to Santa yet? Children will write a letter to Santa with full faith and expectation. And Jesus tells us to believe like children (Matthew 18:3). But do we pray with the same faith and expectation that children have when they write letters to Santa? When Gabriel announced Jesus’ birth to…

7 Unique Bible Study Ideas for This Christmas Season

T-25 days until Christmas Day. This holiday season is often quoted as “the best time of the year.” For me, that’s true. I love everything about Christmas. The lights, the decorations, the presents, the trees, the food, etc. But in all the holiday cheer, the true meaning of Christmas often gets lost, buried, neglected, or…