All Ninety-Four Prayers of Petition from the Bible

A Biblical Guide to Prayers of Petition
All the Prayers of Petition from the Bible
There are many prayers of petition from the Bible. These prayers can teach us a lot about asking God for things and even understanding how and why He responds the way He does. It results in some surprising findings.
So, here is a complete list of all 94 prayers of petition in the Bible. You will find the Scripture reference, topic, what request was made to God, and God’s response to that request.
This list is of prayers of petition is taken from the All the Prayers in the Bible by Jimmy Parks. The requests and response columns are my own and added to shed light on what we can learn from these prayers. These lessons are mentioned after the chart.
If you want to dive deep into the definition of prayers of petition and different forms of them, then check out this article. Not only does it define prayers of petition, but also provides step-by-step instructions on how to pray prayers of petition biblically. Now, on to the list.
Scripture | Topic | Request For | Response |
Genesis 9:26-27 | Noah Blesses His Sons | Blessings for Shem and Japheth | Met |
Genesis 24:12-14 | Abraham’s Servant Prays for Success | Guidance to find Isaac a wife | Met |
Genesis 28:20-22 | Jacob Vows to Offer God a Tithe | God’s provision, protection, and safe return home | Met |
Genesis 32:9-12 | Jacob Petitions God for Protection from Esau | Protection from Esau when returning home | Met |
Numbers 10:35 | Moses Prays for the Ark Setting Out | God to scatter His enemies | Met |
Numbers 10:36 | Moses Prays for the Ark Coming to Rest | God to dwell with His people | Met |
Numbers 12:13 | Moses Pleads for Healing | Healing for Miriam | Met |
Numbers 21:2 | The Israelites Vow Destruction of the Canaanites in Hormah | Victory over the Canaanites | Met |
Deuteronomy 26:15 | The Israelites and Moses Petition God | Blessing for God’s people and land | Met |
Joshua 10:12 | Joshua Prays for the Sun and Moon to be Still | Extra Daylight for battle | Met |
Judges 11:30-31 | Jephthah Makes a Vow to God | Victory over of the Ammonites | Met |
Judges 13:8 | Manoah Petitions God | Guidance in raising Samson | Met |
Judges 15:18 | Samson Prays to God for a Drink | Water | Met |
Judges 16:28 | Samson Prays to God for Strength | Strength once more | Met |
1 Samuel 1:11 | Hannah Prays for a Son | a Child | Met |
1 Samuel 10:19 | The Israelites Ask for a King | a king | Met |
2 Samuel 7:18-19 | David Offers Praise to God | To Keep the Promises God made to him | Met |
2 Samuel 15:8 | Absalom Vows to Worship the Lord | Return from Exile | Met |
2 Samuel 15:31 | David Asks God to Intervene With Ahithophel | Ahithophel’s counsel to be foolish | Met |
1 Kings 8:23-53 | Solomon Offers a Prayer of Dedication | Keep promises to David, hear the prayers of the people, forgive and act | Met |
1 Kings 17:20-21 | Elijah Prays for the Widow’s Son | Resurrection | Met |
1 Kings 18:36-37 | Elijah Prays for God to Show Himself | Fire from Heaven | Met |
2 Kings 2:14 | Elisha Inquires of the Lord | God to Make Himself known | Met |
2 Kings 6:17-18 | Elisha Prays for Vision and Victory | Opened eyes and blindness for enemies | Met |
2 Kings 6:20 | Elisha Prays for Vision | Return sight to blind enemies | Met |
1 Chronicles 16:35-36 | Israelites Pray for Salvation | Saving from the nations | Met |
1 Chronicles 21:8 | David Repents for the Census | Remove guilt for sin | Met |
1 Chronicles 29:10-19 | David Praises God | Keep desire to give to God freely and loyal hearts to you | Somewhat Met |
2 Chronicles 6:14-42 | Solomon Prays to Dedicate the Temple | Keep promises to David, hear the prayers of the people, forgive and act | Met |
2 Chronicles 14:11 | Asa Prays for Victory | Victory in battle | Met |
2 Chronicles 20:6-12 | Jehoshaphat Prays for God’s Help | Victory in Battle | Met |
2 Chronicles 24:22 | Zechariah Prays for Vengeance | Justice | Later Met |
Ezra 9:6-15 | Ezra Offers Solitary Prayer for Thanksgiving, Petition, and Intercession | Forgiveness and Mercy | Met |
Psalm 4:6 | A Communal Prayer of Petition | God’s Presence | Met |
Psalm 10:1-18 | The Psalmist Offers an Imprecatory Prayer | Justice against the wicked | Met |
Psalm 16:1-11 | The Psalmist Offers a Prayer of Praise and Blessing | Safety | Met |
Psalm 17:1-15 | The Psalmist Prays for Deliverance | Salvation and Love from God | Met |
Psalm 25:1-22 | The Psalmist Prays for Guidance | Guidance and Direction | Met |
Psalm 27:7-8 | The Psalmist Cries to God | Mercy | Met |
Psalm 28:1-9 | The Psalmist Prays for Assistance | Mercy | Met |
Psalm 35:1-28 | The Psalmist Prays for Deliverance from Enemies | Rescue and vindication from the wicked | Met |
Psalm 38:1-22 | The Psalmist Prays for Healing | Physical and emotional healing | Unknown |
Psalm 39:4-13 | The Psalmist Prays for Wisdom | Salvation and Wisdom | Met |
Psalm 41:4 | The Psalmist Repents | Forgiveness for sins | Met |
Psalm 71:1-24 | The Psalmist Prays for Protection | Protection | Met |
Psalm 72:1-20 | Solomon Prays for Guidance | Wisdom and Righteousness in Leading | Met |
Psalm 74:1-23 | The Psalmist Pleads for Help | God to remember his covenant promises | Met |
Psalm 79:1-13 | The Psalmist Prays for Mercy | Mercy and Forgiveness | Met |
Psalm 82:1-8 | The Psalmist Pleads for Justice | God’s Righteous justice | Ultimately Met |
Psalm 89:1-52 | The Psalmist Praises the Lord for His Covenant with David | Relent from Divine Wrath | Met |
Psalm 90:1-17 | Moses Praises God | Relent from Divine Wrath | Met |
Psalm 102:1-28 | The Prayer of an Afflicted Person | Divine Intervention | Unknown |
Psalm 106:4-8 | The Psalmist Repents and Praises | Favor, Prosperity, and Salvation | Met |
Psalm 106:47-48 | The Psalmist Prays for Salvation | Salvation | Met |
Psalm 119:82 | The Psalmist Prays for Comfort | Comfort | Unknown; Ultimately Met |
Psalm 122:6-7 | Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem | Peace in Jerusalem | Met (at times) |
Psalm 132:8-10 | David Prays for the Presence of the Lord | God dwelling among His people | Met |
Psalm 141:1-10 | The Psalmist Prays for Protection from Evil | Protection from Evil and Ability to stay righteous | Met |
Psalm 142:1-7 | The Psalmist Prays for Deliverance | Rescue and relief | Met |
Psalm 143:1-12 | The Psalmist prays for Rescue from Enemies | Mercy and Relief | Met |
Psalm 144:1-15 | The Psalmist Prays for National Safety | National Peace | Met (at times) |
Isaiah 38:3 | Hezekiah Prays to the Lord | Remember Hezekiah’s faithfulness to God | Met |
Jeremiah 2:27 | A Hypocritical Prayer for Help to Pagan idols | Help (from idols) | Denied |
Jeremiah 3:4-5 | A Prayer Inquiring about the Anger of the Lord | Relief from God’s Wrath | Denied (this time) |
Jeremiah 8:19-20 | A Desperate Prayer for Help | Healing and Salvation | Denied (this time); Ultimately Met |
Jeremiah 14:7-9 | An Intercessory Prayer of Praise | Mercy for the Nation | Denied (this time) |
Jeremiah 18:19-23 | Jeremiah Prays for the Destruction of His Adversaries | Vindication from his enemies | Met |
Jeremiah 20:7-18 | Jeremiah Curses the Day He was Born | Divine Vengeance on Mockers | Met |
Jeremiah 31:18-19 | The Ephraimites Repent | Forgiveness | Met |
Jeremiah 51:34-35 | Judah Prays Against Their Captors | Judgement on Captors | Met |
Jeremiah 51:62 | Seraiah and Jeremiah Pray for Babylon’s Destruction | Destruction of Babylon | Met (Later) |
Lamentations 1:9 | A Complaining Lament | Look on affliction | Unknown, Somewhat Met |
Lamentations 1:11-16 | Jerusalem’s Lament | Comfort | Unknown, Somewhat Met |
Lamentations 3:42-66 | The Confession of the Inhabitants of Jerusalem | Forgiveness and Redemption | Met |
Ezekiel 37:11 | A Prayer from Dry Bones | Hope and Restoration | Met |
Daniel 2:20-23 | Daniel Prays for Blessing and Protection | Wisdom | Met |
Daniel 9:4-19 | Daniel Prays for the People | Mercy and Forgiveness | Met |
Hosea 14:2-3 | The Israelites Confess | Forgiveness | Met |
Joel 2:17 | The Priests Pray for Mercy | Mercy and Pardon | Met |
Amos 7:2 | Amos Begs for God’s Forgiveness | Relent | Met |
Amos 7:5 | Amos Begs for God’s Forgiveness Again | Relent | Met |
Jonah 1:14 | Sailors Plead with the Lord for Their Lives | Safety and Forgiveness | Met |
Jonah 4:2-3 | Jonah Complains to the Lord | Death | Denied |
Habakkuk 1:2-4 | Habakkuk Complains to the Lord | Justice and Help | Met |
Habakkuk 1:12-17 | Habakkuk Questions the Lord | Understanding | Met |
Matthew 26:39 Mark 14:36 Luke 22:42 | Jesus Asks for the Cup to Pass | Not die and bear the sins of the world | Denied |
Matthew 26:42 | Jesus Prays for God’s Will to Be Done | God’s Will to be done | Met |
Luke 18:13 | The Humble Tax Collector’s Prayer | Mercy | Met |
Luke 23:34 | Jesus Prays Forgiveness for the Guards | Forgiveness | Met |
John 17:1-26 | Jesus Prays for His Disciples | Unity and Protection | Met |
Acts 1:24-25 | The Disciples Pray to Discern Judas’ Replacement | Guidance | Met |
Acts 4:24-30 | The Disciples Pray for Boldness | Boldness and Confidence | Met |
Acts 7:59-60 | Stephen Prays as He Dies | Forgiveness and Acceptance | Met |
Lessons Learned from These Prayers of Petition
In reviewing these prayers of petition there were quite a few things that stood out to me, surprised me, and amazed me that I want to share with you now. So, here are a few lessons we can learn from these prayers of petition.
- We do not make requests of God because we are righteous, but because of His great mercy. (Daniel 9:18).
- Prayers of petition ask God’s character and nature to be on display in the everyday circumstances of our lives.
- God, most likely, will answer our prayers of petition in the affirmative.
- Sometimes God will answer our prayers even if they have negative consequences.
- God always, always forgives.
- Our prayers reflect our priorities. If our priority is to see God Will done and His character on display, then God will answer our prayers.
- Even our personal requests need to be focused on glorifying God above all else.
- Prayers are not always immediately answered Why? Because they are rooted in wanting to see God on display in our immediate circumstances and situations, the focus is on God’s character being on display more than our immediate situation. But we must remember and trust our prayers will be answered.