Accordance Bible Software For Beginners: An Honest Look

Digital resources is a great way to go when looking for Bible study resources. This way, you can carry your Bible study tools wherever you go. It makes studying the Bible easier and convenient. One Such digital resource is Accordance Bible Software. But what is it? And is it for beginners?

Accordance Bible software is a comprehensive digital platform that enables users to study the Bible with digital resources such as commentaries and Bibles, alongside powerful features. As such, Accordance can be valuable for anyone looking to study the Bible digitally.

So, let’s dive into Accordance Bible software and see how beginners can benefit from such an amazing resource. This way, you can see if it is right for you.

(Pastors, want to know if Accordance is for you? Check out this article where I compare Accordance with Logos Bible Software to discover which one is best suited for pastors and sermon preparation.)

-Bible-focused Software
-Ease of Use
-Original Language Support
-Stable and Fast
-Smaller User Commuity
-Fewer Resources
-Less Visually Appealing

Key Takeaways: Accordance Bible Software’s ease of use, no nonsense speed, and original language support makes it a great resource for Bible Study. However, it’s more limited resources and cost can make it impractical for beginners. That said, Accordance can still be worth it if you want an easy to use software.

Who Should Buy It: Accordance Bible Software is focused primarily on appealing to pastors, scholars, and seminary students with an interest in original language research. However, everyday Christians can find it useful for other written works and as an easy to use Bible study software that is Bible-focused.

Accordance Bible Software Overview

What is Accordance Bible Software?

Accordance Bible Software is a full-featured and accessible Bible study software, that gives users access to an extensive library of Bible study resources and powerful features to make Bible study easier.

It was first released in February 1994 by Roy Brown. Brown developed a ThePerfectWord, a Bible program for Mac, back in 1988. Since, it’s creation many other Bible study programs were made and developed.

In 1994, Brown saw the need to create a new program to make it easier to do even complex Bible study. So, Accordance was created and released.

Since its creation Accordance Bible Software has continued to be updated and revised to ensure that a comprehensive and accessible Bible study platform is available for all users.

What is an Accordance Collection?

Like other Bibe study software, Accordance sells its software in packages called Collections. There are collections geared toward a variety of personal goals. That said, it is just as easy to buy the software, then the resources you want.

For example, if you want to do in-depth study of the Greek text, you can get collections specifically designed for that. That’s part of what makes Accordance so unique.

What makes Accordance Unique?

The main thing that makes Accordance so unique is its cutting-edge original language tools. Accordance makes learning and exploring the original languages of the Bible a breeze.

Like I previously mentioned, they offer Collections for Greek, Hebrew, or both original language study.

Another thing, that I’ve found that makes Accordance unique is its Bible focused approach. You can search and research anything from the open Bible on the software. This makes it great for beginners.

Do Beginners Need Accordance Bible Software?

With Accordance Bible Software’s creation and focus on original language research tools, it is primarily not for beginners in Bible study. Accordance focuses on advertising and selling to pastors and scholars, primarily. That said, they do remember and design Accordance for beginners as well.

Things to Consider

Even though Accordance is more for pastors and scholars, there are some things that you may want to consider as a beginner if you are looking at Bible study software. So don’t right Accordance off just yet. The two primary things you want to look at are ease of use and learning resources and support.

Ease of Use

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a Bible study software is, ease of use. You want to find a Bible study software that is easy to use, because if you get frustrated all the time using then you are less likely to use it when studying the Bible.

Accordance has an easier learning curve than other comparable Bible software. For some Bible software, I had to watch videos and read blog posts just to understand how to use it. Thankfully, Accordance is much easier to use. Once you download it you can figure it out after playing around with it for a few minutes.

Even if you struggle a little bit on your own, there are helpful tutorials built right in the software to walk you through anything you may want to do. They found right in the navigation bar and perfectly convenient when you need a quick refresher or want to know how to do something.

Learning Resources and Support

Another major factor that you want to consider is the learning resources and support. They offer robust learning resources, including tutorials, webinars, and guides, that help people of any skill level maximize their experience of the software.

Even though Accordance is a smaller organization than other Bible software companies, they offer responsive customer service via email and phone. So, if you ever struggle with the software don’t be afraid to reach out or check out their support page for answers you are looking for.

In regards to Bible study resources, they offer numerous practical resources that will be used frequently by beginners and experts alike, even in their basic collections. In general, I found the resources they offer to be ones that I would regularly use in studying the Bible.

Questions to Ask

Now, that you’ve considered some of the most important factors, let’s ask some questions to help us best answer the main question: Is Accordance Bible Software worth it for me?

  1. What are my specific needs and goals?
    • Identify your reasons for using Bible software. Are you studying for personal growth, academic purposes, sermon preparation, or something else?
  2. What features do I require for my Bible study?
    • Consider the features offered by Accordance, such as search capabilities, commentaries, dictionaries, original language tools, and additional resources. Determine which features align with your study preferences.
  3. How user-friendly is the interface?
    • Accordance Bible Software is fairly easy to use and learn. Check if there are tutorials or user guides available to help you get started.
  4. What is my budget for Bible software?
    • Accordance Bible software may have different packages and pricing options. Determine your budget and explore whether Accordance offers a plan that fits your financial considerations.
  5. Does Accordance support my preferred Bible translations and resources?
    • Ensure that the software supports the Bible translations and additional resources that are important to you for your study.
  6. Is there a learning curve, and am I willing to invest time in learning the software?
    • Consider the learning curve associated with Accordance. The learning curve with Accordance is smaller than other comparable Bible study software.
  7. What are other users saying about Accordance?
    • Look for reviews and testimonials from other users, especially those who started as beginners. Their experiences can provide insights into the software’s usability and effectiveness.
  8. Does Accordance offer customer support or training resources?
    • Though Accordance is a smaller company, the offer great and quick customer support. Also, their software includes numerous tutorials on anything you want to do with the software.
  9. Is there a trial version available?
    • Accordance does not have a free version. However, they offer a 90 trial period, giving you ample time to try it out and see if it works for you.

Helpful Features For Beginners

Accordance Bible software has many great features no matter whether you are learning to study the Bible for the first time or have been for decades. Some of the most useful and practical features for beginners include, is an amazing resource. It is a website designed to offer basic Biblical training classes for free to people no matter where they are spiritually. These classes are video courses from some of the leading scholars and pastors in the world today.

Accordance, offers outlines and links to several courses right in the software. These courses offer a great introduction to Bible study and Christian beliefs for the beginner. Some of the courses offered are,

  • Bible Journey: A Big Screen Perspective
  • Understanding the Old Testament
  • Understanding the New Testament
  • Bible Study Methods
  • What Every Christian Should Believe
  • Essentials of Worship
  • Biblical Hermeneutics
  • Systematic Theology
  • Etc.

Again, all of these are self-paced and available for free. Accordance offers outlines and links to the courses in their software. Honestly, even if you choose not to get Accordance, you can check out these courses at their website.


When I first got Accordance Bible software, the Amplify feature quickly became my best friend. Amplify is a unique feature that allows you to search for a specific word in another resource, all without losing your place.

For example, in the image below I wanted to know more about the word “Jebusites.” Using the amplify feature I was able to pull up the dictionary entry for Jebusites in Eerdman’s Dictionary in a matter of seconds. But amplify also let’s you search concordances, lexicons and so much more.

Bible-Focused Study

Another feature that I think is great for beginners is how Bible centered Accordance Bible software is. It’s easy when studying the Bible to get disctracted by all the other resources and tools. Personally, I’ve found myself going down rabit holes reading commentaries or study notes and never return to the Bible.

Accordance solves that problem by keeping the Biblical text the center of attention. Almost quite literally. You can do anything right from the Biblical text. You can highlight a verse, take notes, do a word study and so much more right from the open Bible.

It is so simple to take notes and highlight in the Accordance Bible Software. I was amazed at how easy it was. To highlight you just double click what you want to highlight and hit the highlight button.

That’s great! But what I was most impressed with was how easy it was to take notes. Say you are reading a passage like Matthew 6. You come to Matthew 6:33 and want to take a note. All you do is go to the right side of the verse, and a little plus sign will appear. Click it and type your note. It’s that simple.

These features prove that even though, Accordance focuses on original language tools suited for pastors and scholars, that it also has a lot to offer the beginner as well. So, let’s take a look at Accordance collections that are suited for beginners.

Accordance Collections For Beginners

There are three Accordance Collections that I’ve found to be most beneficial for beginners. They are the Basic Starter, English Starter, and English Learner. So, let’s take a look at each one and compare them now.

AspectBasic StarterEnglish StarterEnglish Learner
Designed ForEveryday ChristiansEveryday ChristiansEveryday Christians
Number of Resources5268133
Highlighted Books-ESV with Strongs
-Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
-Easton’s Bible Dictionary
-Strong’s Greek Dictionary
-Gospel Harmony Parallel
-Same as Basic Starter, Plus
-Pocket Guides to Biblical Studies, Church History, Denominations, Ethics, History of the Church, etc.
-Pocket Christian Apologetics
-Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
-BE Commentary Series
-Faith’s Checkbook
-Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary
Bibles-English Standard Version
-American Standard Version
-Bible in Basic English
-King James Version (Apocrypha and with Strongs)
-World English Bible
-Various International Bibles
-English Standard Version
-American Standard Version
-Bible in Basic English
-King James Version (Apocrypha and with Strongs)
-World English Bible
-Various International Bibles
-All the ones in English Starter, Plus
-Darby Version
-Webster Bible
-Young’s Translation
-Common English Bible
-ERV Bible
-NET Bible
-God’s Word Translation
Commentaries-IVP New Bible Commentary
-Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
-IVP New Bible Commentary
-Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
-Same as English Starter, Plus
-Our Daily Homily
-Christian Workers’
-John Wesley’s Notes
-BE Series Commentary
-Matthew Henry Complete
Dictionaries-Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary
-Easton’s Bible Dictionary
-Bible Names Dictionary
-Webster’s Dictionary
-All the ones in Basic Starter, Plus
-International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
-Pocket Dictionaries (10 vols).
-Most of the ones in the English Starter, Plus
-Hymn Writers
-Holman Illustrated Dictionary
-Bible Words Dictionary
-New Topical Textbook
Devotionals-Chronological Readings
-Devotional Readings
-Chronological Readings
-Devotional Readings
-All the ones in English Starter Plus,
-Faith’s Checkbook
Thoughts for the Quiet Hour
-Morning and Evening
-Hymns of Isaac Watts
-Diary of an Old Soul
-Experiencing God Day by Day
-and many more
Greek and Hebrew Tools-Greek New Testament TR with Strongs
-Greek New Testament Demo
-Strongs Greek Dictionary
-Mounces Greek Dictionary
-Hebrew Masoretic Text Demo
-Strongs Hebrew Dictionary
-KM Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary
-Greek New Testament TR with Strongs
-Greek New Testament Demo
-Strongs Greek Dictionary
-Mounces Greek Dictionary
-Hebrew Masoretic Text Demo
-Strongs Hebrew Dictionary
-KM Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary
-Same as English Starter, Plus
-Greek Parsing Guide
-Hebrew Verb Parsings
-Classic Bible Passages
-Dr. J’s Bible Study Method
-Context of the Bible
-Nave’s Topical Bible
-Outlines of the Bible Books
-Parables and Miracles
-Classic Bible Passages
-Dr. J’s Bible Study Method
-Context of the Bible
-Nave’s Topical Bible
-Outlines of the Bible Books
-Parables and Miracles
-Same as English Starter, Plus
-Beginning in Mark
-Bird’s Eye View
-Greatest English Classic
Images and Photos-Accordance Atlas Sampler
-Accordance Timeline Sampler
-PhotoGuide Sampler
-Accordance Atlas Sampler
-Accordance Timeline Sampler
-PhotoGuide Sampler
Accordance Atlas Sampler
-Accordance Timeline Sampler
-PhotoGuide Sampler
WritingsN/AN/A-Works of George Muller
-Works of John Bunyan
-Works of D.L. Moody
-Pursuit of God
-Experiencing God
-Life and Times of Jesus
-Secret of a Happy Life
-School of Calvary
Collection Value$239.00$398.00$1,100.00
Price You Pay$49.00$99.90$229.00

So, which of these Collections are best for you? Well, that depends on your budget, how many resources you want, and how often you believe you’ll use Accordance Bible software.

Here’s what’s wonderful with Accordance. They make it very easy to get resources individually. So, you can choose a package that may be a little easier on your budget and then go and buy the resources you’ll actually use individually.

Basic Starter

The Basic Starter Collection is the one I have of Accordance Bible Software. I have found even the Basic Starter Collection efficient for effective Bible Study. This collection comes with the essential tools needed for great Bible study. They include things like,

  • ESV with Strongs
  • Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
  • Easton’s Bible Dictionary
  • Strong’s Greek Dictionary
  • Gospel Harmony Parallel

That said, some of these resources can be found for free online at places like Bible Gateway or Blue Letter Bible. However, this budget friendly option of Accordance puts these commonly used Bible study resources alongside powerful features like dynamic Word study, powerful search capabilities and more.

This can make the Accordance Bible software Basic Starter Collection worth the price if you are looking for a way to enhance your Bible study time digitally. And I’d recommend it for beginners.

English Starter

The English Starter Collection is nearly identical to the Basic Starter Collection. There are only a few differences. The key difference is the number of dictionaries available. The English starter includes only these additional resources,

  • International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
  • Pocket Guides
    • Pocket Apologetics Dictionary
    • Pocket Biblical Studies
    • Pocket Church History
    • Pocket Denominations
    • Pocket Ethics
    • Pocket NT Greek
    • Pocket Bib. Hebrew
    • Pocket Liturgy & Worship
    • Pocket New Movements
    • Pocket Reformed Tradition
    • Pocket Theological Terms
    • Pocket World Religions
    • Pocket History Church
    • Pocket Theology History
    • Pocket Christian Apologetics

Most of these pocket guides are the extra “dictionaries” that are in the English Starter Collection. These are extremely helpful resources, especially for beginners. And they are worth the price difference. So, if you are debating between the Basic Starter and the English Starter, then choose the English Starter.

English Learner

The last Accordance Bible Collection that I want to mention, that is beneficial for beginners is the English Learner Collection. Though it does include some preaching helps geared toward pastors, I wanted to mention it for a few reasons.

One, it offers more commentaries that are especially helpful for beginners. For example, the BE Commentary Series by Warren Wiersbe and Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary. Both of these are great resources I’d recommend for beginners.

Second, the number of devotionals. Personally, I’ve found devotionals that are encouraging and challenging the best for spiritual growth. The English Learner Package offers classics such as, Morning and Evening and Faith’s Checkbook.

Lastly, the English Learner Collection many classic Christian writings that beginners can find helpful and encouraging. Most notably, Experiencing God. A great work that encourages readers to experience a personal and unique relationship with God.

Honestly, it is only for those writings that I’d consider getting the English Learner Collection. But you can also get a cheaper collection and purchase only the writings that you want.

Getting Started With Accordance

Accordance Bible Study Software is available on Mac, Windows, IOS, Android, and as a web application. You can download it on your computer and mobile devices. Accordance Bible Software uses an Accordance account. So, you’ll need to create an account with Accordance once you download.

Purchasing and Installing

Purchasing Accordance Bible software is easy. You can make a one time purchase or sign up for a payment plan. They offer discounts for students, professors, homeschool families, pastors, missionaries and those in developing countries.

Side note: If you are a missionary, then I want to recommend Accordance to you. They have been intentional about providing many international Bibles in the packages mentioned above. That and the discount for missionaries makes Accordance a solid option for Bible Study software for missionaries.

Now back to installing Accordance Bible Study Software. Installing Accordance is simple. You can go here to download the software for a free 90-day trial. Once installed, you’ll be prompted to create an account.

After your account is created, you’ll be presented with an option to choose your preferred Bible and resources. Making this a part of the initial set up is really convenient and helpful. You don’t have to go searching settings to find how to do this.

User Interface and Navigation

Accordance is really simple to navigate and use. There are workspaces, zones, and tabs. The workspaces are pretty much the entire screen with whatever resources you have open to help you study the Bible. Workspaces are customizable and you can have as many open as you like, which is a nice feature.

Zones are the different sections of your workspace. So if you have a Bible and commentary open, Then your Bible is in one zone and your commentary in another. Tabs can be used to have similar resources in the same zone. The video above is very helpful in explaining the basics of Accordance Bible Software.

Overview of Accordance 14 New Features

This video gives a quick look at the newest features of Accordance Bible Software, if you are interested.

As you can see, Accordance comes with some powerful tools that enable deep study and quick searches centered around the Bible. There are even some more advanced features for intermediate users.

Advanced Features for Intermediate Users

Accordance has a lot of other variety of packages, but they are more suited toward Pastors, seminary students, professors, and scholars. However, some of them contain some pretty amazing additional features. Let’s take a quick look at what other packages Accordance offers.

Feature CategoryEnglish DiscovererEnglish ProEnglish ExpertEnglish Master
Bible TranslationsExpanded selection of English BiblesEnhanced array of English translationsExtensive array of English translationsComprehensive collection of Bibles
Study ToolsCommentaries, dictionaries, mapsComprehensive set of study toolsRich collection of commentariesComprehensive study tools
Original Language SupportLimitedLimited to moderate emphasisLimited to moderate emphasisStrong emphasis on original languages
Additional ResourcesIntroductory resourcesSpecialized commentaries and resourcesSpecialized commentaries and resourcesExtensive library of resources
Price$ 449$ 1,149$ 3,299$ 42,568

These packages will give the beginner more than they need. For sure. But what makes Accordance unique is that they also have packages geared specifically toward the original languages.

For example, if you are a Greek Professor, they have Greek Starter-Master Collections with more resources focused on analyzing Greek words, syntax, etc. This can make Accordance the go-to resource for those interested in doing original language research and study.

Other more advanced features that Accordance has, but can be suited for everyone include,

  • Original Language Tools
  • Advanced Search and Analysis
  • Custom Tools and Workspaces
  • Research and Academic Resources
  • Report and Presentation Tools

If you are curious to see what exactly each of these packages have to offer, you can check out Accordance’s Collection Comparison Tool. This tool will compare exactly what and other resources across these various packages.

But, like I said, these are not geared toward beginners. So, I’d stick with one of the three packages mentioned earlier.

Tips and Tricks For Efficient Use

Here are some tips and tricks that I’ve found helpful to get the most out of Accordance Bible Software.

  1. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts:
    • Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts to navigate the software quickly. This can significantly speed up your workflow.
  2. Utilize Search Functions:
    • Master the search functions to find specific verses, words, or topics quickly. Accordance has powerful search capabilities, including the use of Boolean operators and wildcard characters.
  3. Create Workspaces:
    • Save custom workspaces for different types of studies. This allows you to set up your preferred layout with specific resources, translations, and commentaries for easy access.
  4. Parallel Panes for Comparison:
    • Use parallel panes to compare different Bible translations, commentaries, or original language texts side by side. This is particularly useful for in-depth study.
  5. Highlighting and Notes:
    • Take advantage of highlighting and note-taking features. This helps you mark important passages and add personal insights for future reference.
  6. Linking Resources:
    • Link related resources together. When you navigate to a specific verse in one pane, the linked panes will follow, making cross-referencing smoother.
  7. Use the Atlas and Timeline Tools:
    • Explore the Atlas and Timeline tools to gain geographical and historical context for biblical events. This visual representation can enhance your understanding of the text.
  8. Read Commentaries in Sync:
    • If you’re using commentaries, sync them with your Bible text. This ensures that as you scroll through the Bible, the commentary scrolls alongside, providing relevant insights.
  9. Customize Preferences:
    • Tailor Accordance to your preferences. Adjust font sizes, colors, and other settings to create a comfortable and visually pleasing environment for your study.
  10. Take Advantage of Training Resources:
    • Accordance offers various training resources, including tutorials, webinars, and documentation. Invest time in learning about the software’s features to maximize its potential.

My Story with Accordance as a Beginner

I have just the Basic Starter Collection of Accordance. I found the installation and setup simple, and I liked the idea of choosing your preferred resources after the initial download.

After I got into the software, I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly it was to navigate. It opened immediately to my preferred Bible and a commentary. Though, my preferred Bible had interlinear and it took a bit of playing around to figure out how to turn it off.

Honestly, even though the software is easier to navigate and use, it took me a few minutes to find how to do things. Using the Library tab, I find more important in Accordance than other software. This way I can choose specific resources to look through.

Though, once I found the tutorial tab, that was it. The tutorials are amazing. They will, literally, walk you through step-by-step how to do anything, and once I learned how to do it, it really is not that hard.

That said, one thing I don’t like is that there seems to be a need to double or triple click a lot of things. I find it a little annoying, though I understand why, because it’s the way the software is built. It also helps in keeping the Bible the center of what you are doing, which is a plus.

Another plus, is how simple it is to study and take notes. I really feel like I have a notebook open with my Bible and can read and take notes at the same time with this software.

For example, I was doing a quick study in Matthew the other day. I was reading the Bible and the commentary beside it. Then I had a thought about a verse and wanted to write it down. I clicked the gray plus sign beside the verse, typed my note, and kept on reading. It really makes simple Bible study easy.

Overall, I find Accordance Bible Software a solid Bible software for beginners. It is easier to use and navigate than other Bible software and offers some practical resources. That said, its focus on original language research, makes it not ideal for everyone.

So, be sure to give the free trial a try if you want to experience Accordance for yourself.

Key Takeaways

I know, we’ve covered a lot. So, here are the key takeaways.

  • Accordance, a comprehensive Bible study software since 1994, provides an advanced digital platform for in-depth study.
  • Despite its focus on pastors and scholars, Accordance offers user-friendly features, speed, and original language support for valuable Bible study.
  • Accordance, with a smaller learning curve and robust resources, is suitable for beginners, even though its primary audience is pastors and scholars.
  • The Basic Starter, English Starter, and English Learner Collections are recommended for beginners, offering essential resources tailored to different preferences and budgets.
  • Accordance Bible Software, available on various platforms, offers straightforward installation with a 90-day trial period, allowing users to customize their workspace for efficient study.
  • Efficient navigation in Accordance involves learning keyboard shortcuts, using search functions, creating workspaces, and exploring additional tools like the Atlas and Timeline.

So, if you are curious to learn more about Accordance Bible Software, then download it now, give it a spin, and see if it is ideal for your needs.

And if you are a pastor, and want to know if Accordance Bible Software is right for you, then check out this article. Here I compare Accordance with Logos Bible software to see which one is best suited for pastors and sermon preparation.

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