7 Bibles for Beginners Whether You Are a New Christian or Not

Person Hands on Holy Bible

If you are a new Christian or new to Bible study one of the most important things you can get is a good Bible. One that helps you grow in your faith and spiritual walk with God. Thankfully, there are many great options out there.

So, let’s take a look at some of the best Bibles for new Christian’s or those new to Bible study. Some of these Bibles are just translations while others are Study Bibles or other such Bibles designed specifically for new believers.

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BibleTranslationTranslation PhilosophyStudy BibleUnique FeaturesIdeal for…
Life Application Study BibleNIV, NLT, othersThought for ThoughtYesPractical life application insights; Extensive study notesExcellent for beginners with its clear language and practical applications.
NIV Starting Place Study BibleNew International Version (NIV)Thought for ThoughtYesIntroductory material for new believers; Study notesTailored for new believers, providing a starting point for understanding the Bible.
New Believers Bible – NLTNew Living Translation (NLT)Thought for ThoughtKind ofStudy notes and devotions designed for new believersSpecifically designed for new Christians, making it highly suitable.
Christian Basics Study BibleNew Living Translation (NLT)Thought for ThoughtKind ofExplores essential Christian doctrines; Study notesGood for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of Christian basics.
The MessageThe MessageParaphraseNoA modern, conversational paraphrase of the BibleSuitable for those who prefer a unique, easy-to-read paraphrased version.
The Filament BibleNLT, KJVThought for ThoughtYesDigital and print Bible with integrated study materialsOffers a modern digital experience with integrated study resources.
One Year BibleVariousVariousNoOrganized for daily reading with selected passages from each genreHelpful for beginners seeking a structured plan for daily Bible reading.

Key Takeaways: As a general rule, Bibles designed for new believers are created in a way that makes the Bible readable and understandable. As such, they are more likely to use a thought-for-thought translation style and offer study aids designed to introduce key themes and information of the Bible to Christians.

Best Bible for New Christians: The best Bible for new Christians is the Life Application Study Bible. This study Bible is offered in a variety of translations and provides excellent notes and study aids that not only introduces the Bible to readers, but also emphasizes how they can apply it to their daily life today.

What to Look For in a Bible for Beginners?

Choosing a Bible for beginners, especially if they are new believers, involves considering lots of different factors. These factors need to cater to your understanding, engagement, and learning preferences when it comes to the Bible. So here are some key things to look for in a Bible for beginners.

  • Translation: Choose a translation that is easy to read and understand. Translations like NIV, NLT, The Message, etc. Check out this article for other easy to read translations of the Bible.
  • Translation Philosophy: Consider whether the translation follows more of a thought for thought or word for word approach to translating the Bible. In general, a thought for thought translation is going to be easier to read and understand. Check out this article to help you find the perfect translation.
  • Study Aids/Resources: Look for Bibles with study aids like notes, introductions, maps, etc. These are called study Bibles and can be helpful in finding a Bible that grows with you as you grow spiritually.
  • Unique Features: Some Bibles have unique features like digital resources, or character profiles, etc. These are designed to help beginners, but make sure they align with your learning style. For example, a visual learner would prefer more maps and charts in a study Bible.
  • Cost: Cost is a huge factor to consider when getting a Bible for the first time. Bibles, especially study Bibles, can be expensive. So, consider your budget and make sure you find a Bible that fits your needs.
  • Portability and Durability: Consider the portability and durability of your Bible. You want your Bible to last, so be sure to read reviews and see how durable the Bible you are looking at is.
  • etc.

Ultimately, the best Bible for new Christians is going to vary depending on your personality, learning goals, reading style, etc. So, it’s a good idea to explore different Bibles and options to find one that best suits you. Let’s do that now. Here are seven of the best Bibles for beginners.

Life Application Study Bible

TranslationAvailable in various translations, including NIV, NLT, etc.
Translation PhilosophyThought-for-thought (Dynamic Equivalence)
Study Aids/ResourcesExtensive study notes, cross-references, life application insights
Unique FeaturesPractical application insights, profiles of biblical characters
Portability/DurabilityAvailable in various sizes; durability depends on edition and size
CostModerate to high

The Life Application Study Bible was first published in the 1980s by Tyndale. It has since been updated and revised numerous times to remain relevant and accessible to today’s audience.

The Life Application Study Bible comes is designed to help readers apply the Bible and its teachings to their everyday life. As such, it includes extensive notes, maps, charts, and profiles to provide practical advice on Christian living and Biblical application to beginners and new Christians alike.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The Life Application Study Bible comes in a variety of different translations. The most recent edition, the third edition, is available in the New International Version (NIV) and the New Living Translation (NLT).

Previous versions of the study Bible are available in other translations like the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), and the New American Standard Bible (NASB).

Both the translations of the new edition are what is called thought for thought translations of the Bible. This means that they seek to more closely capture the meaning, concepts, and ideas of the Bible over its grammatical structure. Typically, these more thought for thought translations are easier to read.

Study Aids and Unique Features

The Life Application Study Bible boasts many unique features and study aids. These include,

  • 10,000+ Life Application Notes and Features
  • Book Introductions
  • Biographical Profiles of over 100 Biblical people
  • 500+ maps and charts
  • Cross-References
  • Dictionary
  • Christ’s words in red
  • etc.

Most of these features can be found in any study Bible. But what makes them unique is how practical and readable they are in the Life Application Study Bible. For example, a study note on the end of the gospel of John reads,

“To understand the mission of Jesus more fully, all we need to do is study the Gospels. John tells us that his Gospel records only a few of the many events in Jesus’ life on Earth. But the Good News includes everything we need to know to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, through whom we receive eternal life.”

Study Note on John 20:30-31, NLT Life Application Study Bible

As you can see, the immense practicality and usefulness of the Life Application Study Bible makes it a great resource and Bible for new Christians and beginners alike. Really, it’s ideal for anyone seeking to better apply God’s word to their daily life.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

The Life Application Study Bible comes in a number of various sizes from personal size to full size to large print. These different sizes will have an impact on the durability, portability, and cost of the Bible.

Overall, the personal size Bible is the most portable. But it will have a smaller font and thinner pages. This could make it harder to read and less durable overall. So, your best bet would be to go for the full size or large print versions.

As a general rule, the Life Application Study Bible is a go to resource for millions of Christians around the world. Its practical nature and helpful resources make it the most ideal Bible for beginners and new Christian alike. However, it’s not ideal for everyone. So, let’s look at some other great Bibles for beginners.

NIV Starting Place Study Bible

OverviewSpecifically designed for new believers, providing introductory material and study aids.
TranslationNew International Version (NIV)
Translation PhilosophyThought-for-thought (Dynamic Equivalence)
Study Aids/ResourcesIncludes study notes, articles, and resources tailored to new believers.
Unique FeaturesFocuses on guiding individuals who are new to the Christian faith. May include devotions and introductory notes.
Portability/DurabilityCan be bulky to carry around.

The NIV Starting Place Study Bible was first published by Zondervan, a well known Christian publishing company in 2019. It is specifically designed with new Christians in mind. It aims to be accessible and supportive to new Christians as they seek to understand and study the Bible.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The NIV Starting Place Study Bible uses the popular New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible. The NIV is one of the most widely used and accessible translations of the Bible. It is a thought for thought, middle of the road, approach to Bible translation.

As such, it is readable and easy to understand translation that is suitable for a wide audience. This makes it ideal for new Christians, who may be unfamiliar with the Bible.

Study aids and Unique Features

The NIV Starting Place Study Bible was written specifically with new Christians in mind. As such, the study aids and unique features are designed to introduce the Bible to its readers. These features include

  • 88 Bible Characters
  • 282 Q&A Notes
  • 146 Context Notes
  • 138 Bible Truths
  • Book Introductions
  • 6,000+ Study Notes
  • Maps
  • etc.

The beauty of these features and what really makes them unique is that they are designed to introduce the Bible to you in a way that is not intimidating or scary. The Bible truths introduce key doctrines and teachings of the Bible in easy to understand language.

But what is most unique in these features are the Q&A notes. If you are like me, then reading the Bible is going to lead to asking questions. That’s where these Q&A notes come in handy. They answer questions that beginners might raise when reading the Bible for the first time.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

In general, like most study Bibles, the NIV Starting Place study Bible is a bulky book. That makes it hard to carry around. It’s heavy, weighing approximately 3.2 lbs. As such, it’s not necessarily something you want to carry to church every time.

That said, the price of the is moderately priced when compared to other similar study Bibles. It comes in a little cheaper than the Life Application Study Bibles.

Overall, the NIV Starting Place Study Bible is a great first study Bible for new Christians who may be intimidated by reading and studying the Bible for the first time.

New Believers Study Bible–NLT

OverviewTailored for new believers, providing study aids and devotions.
TranslationNew Living Translation (NLT)
Translation PhilosophyThought-for-thought (Dynamic Equivalence)
Study Aids/ResourcesStudy notes, devotions, and resources designed for new believers.
Unique FeaturesSpecifically crafted to guide individuals who are new to the Christian faith.
Portability/DurabilityPortable and easy to carry around; durability depends on edition
CostLow to Moderate

The NLT New Believers Bible is written specifically for new believers. Hence, the name. It features study notes and devotions specifically crafted with the new believer in mind. This makes it an excellent resource if you are a new Christian and have no familiarity with the Bible or its stories.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The NLT New Believers Bible features the highly readable New Living Translation (NLT). The NLT was first created in 1996 and aims to provide clarity and accessibility to modern readers today.

The NLT is a thought for thought translation of the Bible. Check out just how readable and easy it is to understand,

““For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

John 3:16-17, NLT

As you can see the NLT makes a great translation for beginners and new Christians.

Study Aids and Unique Features

In the first chart at the top that compares all of these Bibles I said that the NLT New Believers Bible was sort of a study Bible. Here’s why.

A Study Bible features study notes resources designed to help the reader better understand the Bible. Most commonly, the include things like book introductions, articles, maps, and study notes. The New Believers Bible only includes some of these features typically found in a study Bible.

This Bible does not include verse by verse study notes that are typical within a study Bible. That said, it does include other features that make it useful as a study Bible, like book introductions to each book of the Bible, and articles on key beliefs, questions, and insights from the Bible.

Personally, what I find most attractive about this Bible for new believers is the first step articles. These cover topics that new Christians want to know more about. For example, how to know you’re saved, finding a church, how to study the Bible, resist temptation, talk with God, etc.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

Overall, the NLT New Believers Bible is portable and durable. It weighs less than 2 pounds, making it a great Bible to give as a gift to a new Christian.

Regarding the durability, this Bible’s durability depends on which cover you get. The pages are thin and there is clear ghosting. The hardcover edition is more durable to wear and tear than the soft cover edition. The price is low to moderate depending on which edition you get.

Overall, the NLT New Believers Bible makes a great gift and first Bible to new Christians in your life. Its articles are written by evangelical author and pastor Greg Laurie. As such, this bible will be a great resource to those new to the faith.

Christian Basics Bible

OverviewExplores essential Christian doctrines and teachings.
Translation Philosophythought-for-thought
Study Aids/ResourcesIncludes study notes and resources related to fundamental Christian doctrines.
Unique FeaturesFocuses on providing insights into essential elements of the Christian faith.
Portability/DurabilityCharacteristics may vary based on the specific edition or format chosen.
CostLow to Moderate

The Christian Basics Bible is designed to help you build a strong foundation of faith. As such, it is great for beginners or Christians who are struggling to understand the why behind what we believe.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The New Living Translation, is the most popular and easy to read Bible translation on the market today. The translators sought to create a text that would have the same impact on modern readers as the original text had on ancient readers.

As such, the New Living Translation’s thought-for-thought approach resulted in a highly readable and easy to understand text that accurately communicates the original author’s meaning. This is the translation I use when I just want to sit down and read the Bible.

Study Aids and Unique Features

The Christian Basics Bible is similar to the New Believers Bible in that it can be somewhat called a study Bible. It, too, does not feature verse specific study notes, but does have other unique features and articles such as,

  • Basic Truths of the Christian Faith
  • 500+ Foundational Notes
  • Book Introductions
  • Cross-References
  • A Visual Overview of the Bible
  • Timeline
  • Etc.

Some of these features are comparable and similar to what you would find in the New Believers Bible.

But the feature that makes the Christian Basics Bible so unique is the visual overview of the Bible. The Visual Overview of the Bible is 16 full color pages of maps and infographics that provide a visual survey of the Biblical story.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

Overall, the portability and durability of this Bible is good. That said, there has been some issues with the binding and pages of the soft cover edition. So, I would recommend getting a hard cover edition.

The price is comparable to the New Believers Bible at low to moderate cost when compared to other Bibles.

So, which is better? The Christian Basics Bible or the New Believers Bible? I would argue that the New Believers Bible is better for new Christians when compared directly with the Christian Basics Bible.

The New Believers Bible offers articles that only only explain basic Christian beliefs, but also articles that answer basic Christian questions, as well. The only thing you would miss out on by not getting the Christian Basics Bible is the visual overview.

The Message Bible

OverviewA contemporary paraphrase of the Bible, presenting the text in a conversational and accessible manner.
TranslationThe Message
Translation PhilosophyParaphrase (Not a direct word-for-word translation)
Study Aids/ResourcesNo Study Aids
Unique FeaturesKnown for its unique, conversational style and approach.
Portability/DurabilityCharacteristics may vary based on the specific edition or format chosen.

The Message was first published as individual books by Eugene Peterson in the 1990s, and was later compiled into a complete Bible.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The Message is a highly paraphrased translation published between 1993 and 2002 by Eugene Peterson. It was written to engage readers right where they are. As such, the Message uses fresh common language in a in a highly conversational style.

It is a good translation to read to gain a unique perspective on familiar passages, but it would not be one that I would consider doing daily Bible reading in all the time.

Study Aids and Unique Features

Because the Message Bible is simply a translation it does not offer study aids and other unique features.

That said, there are what is called parallel Bibles that show two different translations side by side. It is common to see parallel Bibles with the Message and another translation. This helps you see the unique language of the Message paraphrase alongside a more conventional translation.

Also, there is a Message Study Bible available on Amazon that features notes and writings from Eugene Peterson.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

Since the Message is a translation and not a specific Bible, the portability, durability, and cost are dependent upon your choice of edition. Overall, the price is considered more affordable than study Bibles.

Overall, the Message is a unique paraphrase that can be great for new believers who are turned off by the archaic language of other translations. The modern, contemporary language makes the Bible more approachable for beginners.

The Filament Bible

OverviewIntegrates a print Bible with digital access to additional study materials, offering an enhanced reading experience.
TranslationNew International Version (NIV); New Living Translation (NLT)
Translation PhilosophyThought-for-thought
Study Aids/ResourcesIntegrated digital access to videos, study notes, and other resources. Print edition may include standard study aids.
Unique FeaturesBlends traditional print with modern digital technology, providing a multimedia reading experience.
Portability/DurabilityHighly portable and durable
CostModerate to High

The Filament Bible is a recent innovation that seeks to integrate technology into the study and reading of the Bible. It is a print Bible that offers study aids, videos, and other resources in a digital format through a free app.

I have been most excited to talk about this one!

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The Filament Bible is currently available with certain New International Version (NIV) and New Living Translation (NLT) print Bibles that are “filament enabled.” This means there is a QR code at the front of the Bible that you can scan and gain access to the digital resources.

Both the NIV and the NLT are thought for thought translations. As such, they are really easy to read and understand, making this a great choice for new believers or beginners.

Study Aids and Unique Features

The Filament Bible offers the same study aids that you would find in a typical study Bible. However, they are in digital format through a free app. That said, the app and the Filament Bible, has many other unique features. The app has three main tabs or features,

  • Study: Here is where you would find your basic study aids that you would find in a typical study Bible. This includes things like: study notes, book introductions, key themes, character profiles, etc.
  • Reflect: Here is where you would find devotional articles that help you conect the Bible to your everyday life.
  • See: Here you will find all the visuals you need to make the Bible come alive. There are interactive maps, videos from the team at Bible Project, and even worship songs.

Overall, these digital features make the Filament Bible unique and helpful for beginners and new Christians in the 21st century.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

The Filament Bible is highly portable and durable. The biggest problem with most study Bibles is that they are heavy and not portable. However, the Filament BIble App, makes a study Bible extremely portable and durable.

The Bible itself if just a normal Bible with the text of Scripture, all of the study aids and resources are digital and available through the app on your phone or tablet. This makes carrying around a study BIble a lot easier. Think of it like a study Bible in your pocket.

Moreover, the extra study features are not distracting when you are just trying to read Scripture on its own. Cost wise, the Filament Bible will cost about the same as other Bibles. So, it will depend on your preference regarding edition and size.

One Year Bible

OverviewStructured for daily reading, providing selected passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.
TranslationVarious translations may be available, depending on the edition. Popular translations include NIV, NLT, ESV, and KJV.
Translation PhilosophyDepends on the specific translation used in the edition.
Study Aids/ResourcesGenerally designed for daily readings, may not include extensive study aids.
Unique FeaturesOrganized to guide readers through the entire Bible in one year, providing a systematic reading plan.
Portability/DurabilityCharacteristics may vary based on the specific edition or format chosen. Portable and durable options are usually available.
CostLow to Moderate

The concept of a One Year Bible has been adapted by many different publishers and as such, there are many different versions available. A One Year Bible is a book that structures and divides the Biblical text in a way that makes it easy for readers to read the entire Bible in one year.

Translation and Translation Philosophy

The One Year Bible is available in all major translations including:

  • New International Version (NIV)
  • New Living Translaton (NLT)
  • New King James Version (NKJV)
  • English Standard Version (ESV)

These translations are both word or word (ESV and NKJV) and thought for thought (NIV and NLT). So, you can find one in your preferred translation and translation philosophy.

Study Aids and Uniqiue Features

What makes the One Year Bible unique is its approach. The One Year Bible divides Scripture in such a way that you are able to read through the entire Bible in a year, in as little as 15 minutes a day.

It does this by providing selected passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. So, you are not reading chronologically (unless you get a chronological One Year Bible).

You will be reading from multiple books of the Bible all at once. This is more of a reading plan and less of a “Bible” in that sense. That is something you may want to consider when looking at Bibles for beginners.

Portability, Durability, and Cost

Overall, the One Year Bibles are portable and durable. They weigh less than two pounds and can easily be carried around. That said, the soft cover backing can make it more challenging to throw in a bag and carry around. So while they are portable, I would be careful in throwing it around.

The cost of the One Year Bible is fairly low. It is the cheapest of the Bible on this list, making it an affordable option for those who want to read through the entire Bible in a year.

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